I’ve been blocking porn communities on this account (I have another account for all that). Every time I block one I get the option to either block all NSFW or only the community. Does blocking all NSFW just block NSFW communities, or will it block all NSFW content? I don’t want to randomly have porn in my feed, but I don’t want to block posts that might be NSFW for other reasons.
Now the word block looks weird, I’ve written it to many times
This is something I was experimenting with, because a lot of people were block porn communities when maybe they’d just be fine blocking all NSFW on that account.
But yeah, blocking porn != blocking nsfw, and I could see how it could be annoying. We can remove this functionality if people prefer.
A way to just block “adult” NSFW would be huge
Instance block would go a long way too
Lemmy needs a NSFW-Nudity and a NSFW-Gore tags to help with this.
I think it’s a pretty handy feature than I’m sure is helpful for plenty of people. I will probably use it on another account so I have a completely safe account to browse at work. But it would also be nice to differentiate porn from NSFW, and to be able to block entire instances.
Thanks for replying, I love your app!
I’d think two options would be best. One to block all NSFW and one to block just porn. If the latter isn’t possible, maybe a way to block whole instances, since almost all of the porn communities I’ve seen are on lemmynsfw
It would also help if we could block a community from the main feed. I’ve blocked a few communities that I don’t like today, and I’ve had to go into each one to do it.
In my case, they’ve been normal communities that I just don’t like, but having to go into a NSFW community to block it seems wrong.
Separate to this conversation though, I’m really enjoying the app so far, it’s great, thanks :)
I was just thinking about the same thing today. Really, I’d like to be able to block instances cause pretty much all of the porn stuff I’ve seen on my feed has been from lemmynsfw.
I’m assuming it treats it all the same. Could be a nice feature to have over reddit. People have been asking for separate tags for years.
The difference is that reddit blocks porn on their frontpage and I assume in /all too. I never used all on reddit but I feel like I need to in Lemmy.