He’s a stupid idiot, read the title
Details on his stupid idiocy!!!
I’ll offer a very adorable flower in exchange 🌸
He’ll probably eat the flower given the chance.
Kinda sounds like something a person named Jessica would say 🤔
Aww. And here I wanted to post a picture of my dog with a cone painted like a flower :(
You can totally still do that! In fact, I IMPLORE you to! 😁🥰
While what ObviouslyNotBanana said is true, he got castrated, so he has to wear a cone or the ring seen in a picture I posted in another comment.
When our dog got fixed, we turned her into a flower 🌸
Love his little speckled paws.
I hope this image works
Wow. Is he a springer mixed with…something? Maybe a long haired pointer? And then also maybe a bigger breed? What an interesting looking mix
He looks like a mix, but he is actually a very pure English springer Spaniel. His parents were both award winners in the breed. For some reason he just turned out giant, and with lots of hair on his head, which i love to style.
Adorable post some more pictures
Wow he really does have a lot of long hair. I’ve had springers for so much of my life and I’ve never seen one quite like him. Verycool looking
Sadly what he got in size and hair he lost in braincells. He is as stupid as they come lmao
I talk like this to my dog all the time
Where rule
Uhh I mean Stupid Idiot got a Rule on his head lmaoooo (I love him)