I refuse to count the platypus as a mammal until it’s made up its mind.
Monotremes do what they want
I need a farside comic like meme with a teat wearing a professors outfit
My cat once brought in a North American shrew in the house and I thought “what a weird looking mouse!” So, I went to scoop it up in a dust pan and drop it out side and the little shit bit my finger! Anyways, got it outside and went to look it up and found out they (the NA shrew) were venomous! Luckily the bite was superficial and I only had slight redness for the night.
Fun fact about the shrew is apparently it is highly territorial and can defend a territory of > 1 square mile, and somehow my cat found the one shrew in a sq mile area in our backyard which is like a 1/16 acre neighborhood plot lol
Maybe the cat didn’t find him, but he was defending his square mile from it instead. It just didn’t work out.
?, ?, Shrew, Platypus
Someone help me out here, those first two can’t be real animals
Slow Loris and Maned Rat are the other two. Definitely real and these four aren’t the only venomous mammals.
Imagine being born into this world with only one life and you are literally called Slow Loris
I want to hug them
Why would a science teacher say that
This is a science teatcher, apparently a very different beast (possibly venomous)
Why am I hearing this in the hydraulic press channel guy’s voice?
It is very dangerous and may attack at any time…
Ve must deal vith it
Teat-chers, mammals, nice.
So the point is the science teachers are either stupid or liars?
There’s a lot of nuance in science that is ignored at non-upper-level university courses. We teach models that work for most cases, and each level deeper simply “lies” a little less, if that’s how we choose to describe what’s being taught. For 99.9% of uses, the simplest models are sufficient.
My point is that I don’t understand the meme unless it’s saying teachers are lying. Not much nuance in that.
Upon a second viewing, it makes sense that whoever did not make their point clear also spelled the word “teacher” wrong.
Ah, yes. I can’t speak to the intent of the meme. Not that you specifically asked me, personally, in the first place. Sorry, I’m of no help there, but if I were to guess, I’d say it’s a Jerry Seinfeld “what’s up with that” attempt at humor.
Regarding the spelling, well now, that’s just equal parts hilarious and sad.
also spelled the word “teacher” wrong
Hum, the meme could easily be about relatives of famous UK prime ministers.
Look fake to me ngl