Nationalise the lot of them. They had their chance.
Their chance to do what…? This was always about handing them a gravy train.
Stop privatising infrastructure you maniacs.
Stop? Do you think it’s continuing? They already are private ☺️.
What you should be saying is: Ask the government to raise billions to buy out private companies that own and operate the vital infrastructure of our country you maniacs!
Not being funny, but this is what you’re calling for (nothing wrong with that) but what are you going to not fund whilst you spend money on this. Even Labour has pretty much said this isn’t going to happen for this very reason.
Why should they assume nationalising them means paying them?
How else is the government going to nationalise the assets?
Fining the shit out of them for their many many environmental breaches. Then when they’re bankrupt, re-nationalise them for cheap.
Fine them a billion pounds per kilo of sewage dumped, then seize all their assets when they refuse to pay their debt.
You don’t need to buy them out. Fuck them. They can raise bills by inflation and not a penny more, and increase the water and sewage processing to match the extra people they need to over the years. No dumping sewage in rivers or the sea.
If they can’t do it, then they go bust and you get them for nothing.
All this shit was working when they took the services over, and if it’s not now, then it’s because they stole all the money that should have been used for upgrades.
They already are private ☺️.
Except for viewers in Scotland.
And Northern Ireland, but let’s be honest, Scotland has it’s own issues with nationalised bodies cough ferries cough so we Scots can’t sit here with too smug a grin on our faces. I’m sure Northern Ireland has it’s own issues in this field as well, but I don’t live there so I pay less attention to that.
I broadly agree with nationalising critical infrastructure like water, electricity and gas, some other key infrastructure like railways, the post office and probably a few others I can’t think of at this moment in time but it’s far from perfect and isn’t going to make everything perfect overnight.
Ofwat should only allow this on the provision that executives bonuses are removed, shareholders don’t receive any dividends for the next decade and the current heads of the water companies have to be dragged through a river every week.
I’ve previously advocated for the the first 1000L of any sewage runoff to be directed through executive’s houses.