Ah yes, united.
“Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 of your people would kill another 1/3 while 1/3 watches.”—Werner Herzog.
Only this time instead of a silly mustache model, we have a cheeto baked rolley-polley.
I think most of us are less apathetic like Squidward and more just exhausted. We care about a lot of the things happening, but there’s so much going on we physically can’t keep track of, let alone care about, it all, so we don’t. We just don’t have the mental or emotional energy for it.
There are few ‘viable solutions’ that readily present themselves to the concerned voter, so little gets resolved and issues continue to grow and morph. If you look at things through a state by state lens it becomes more cloudy because state laws will affect more immediate issues and can very likely differ. It’s hard to command fifty entities in one direction, all worried about various concerns in various directions. Having faith in this Rube Goldberg machine def makes for a bad time, so apathy and hope suffice. System working as intended, do not investigate.
Honestly, that’s why despite as much respect as I have for the Constitution and the founding fathers, I sincerely believe that a parliamentary, rather than federal system, would be far more efficient & effective. Sure, problems could effect faster, but so could solutions.
Very tangentially relevant xkcd
And then the red second someone from Europe cracks wise about it, all of them descend upon the poor healthcare haver like a pack of rabid wolves.
For how capable we are of recognizing and hating our own problems, we are equally incapable of hearing about them from anyone else without punching said anyone else in the face for talking shit.
Salutes flag, sheds patriotic tear, admires eagle screeching while spreading its wings before the majestic sunset
I still feel like half of the time the people from Europe are using it as an opportunity to pat themselves on the back for something they were born into. (I can make this criticism because I’m from there)
And ignoring the fact that they just elected a political party that wants to eliminate the very thing they’re bragging about, because an immigrant might be able to afford a doctor.
Oh hey I think I’m in this picture.
Are you the styrofoam cup