Definitely both, since a lot of people (myself included) don’t have anything resembling a good local landtrust. Evety tiny bit of park/public land/etc near me is like 99% amur honeysuckle, garlic mustard, and lesser celendine. None of the people ostensibly responsible for taking care of said land seem to care… 😭
Many conservation authorities look for volunteers for tree planting, invasive species removal, and cleaning up litter. They can be a great way to start helping your local areas.
native ecosystems honestly just don’t matter until Native lives matter
at least all the “invader” species are genuinely outcompeting stuff by being legitimately better at some niche, instead of zerg rushing the american continent and then using an artificial system of laws and racism to keep themselves on top
Nobody started an immigration program for 100 million Asian carp and then had an Asian carp only law for 400 years
As a First Nations Canadian, I would just like to say…what the actual fuck are you on about?
Did we as a people get shit-fucked?
Are we still being continually shit-fucked?
Does that mean we shouldn’t try go preserve the native species/ecology until we get reparations?
Fuck no, pull your head out…people when they haven’t discovered you can care about more than one thing yet: (see person you’re replying to)
Or, hear me out, restoring native ecosystem is in itself anti-colonial. This is the weirdest whataboutism I’ve seen in a bit.
seeing some cracker pat himself on the back because he killed a few house sparrows is always going to be lol, sorry not sorry
“Sorry, you’re the wrong kind of issue. You need to sit in the back of the bus while the right kind goes first.”
This is a super bad take. Most invasive species were brought over by Europeans, so yes, they did have an “immigration program”. The reason they’re outcompeting natives is not that they’re fitter, but that they have no place in the ecological systems here: nothing eats them so they have no checks on their spread.
Most invasive species were brought over by Europeans, so yes, they did have an “immigration program”
Nope. Big difference between bringing over a few hundred Kudzu and they suddenly go buck-wild because the conditions happen to be right, versus having a deliberate sustained immigration program for millions of whites. “Invasive” species never had an immigration program, nothing in the Americas did except for whites and arguably any organism that served them, including enslaved people.
The reason invasive non-human species outcompete is because they’re fitter. The reason humans outcompete each other (especially with colonialism) is because of reasons so convoluted that they rarely have anything to do with biological fitness or niche appropriateness, which is why there’s a bunch of people whiter than sour milk in Tallahassee
They literally did, though? Europeans brought animals and plants over on their ships—the same ones they were coming over on. Kudzu is an extremely recent example, but invasive species date back to the literal first colonists. The two issues are inextricable.
And it’s not that the plants are fitter, it’s that they have no predators as a result of human activity.
I’m sorry, but I really think this is a “no investigation, no right to speak” scenario. It would take thirty minutes on Google to figure out why you’re wrong.
Bro you’re just straight up wrong. Never say this again.
“Native ecosystems” is the next pride rainbow-washing, and it’s already happening lol. I refuse to believe I’m the only one who sees it
You’re right, let’s rape and burn all natural areas until the whole of North America is returned to native tribes. That’ll show 'em
My homie. Most excellent troll. Fucking perfect. Hook, line, and sinker.