For those that don’t know, word has been a while from the CEO of tumblr that they will federate with the fediverse.
They apparently hesitated recently for fear of overrunning the fediverse with their relative size. But that might have changed now since Meta are coming with their platform. And also the fediverse keeps growing.
Wait…. Meta is coming to the fediverse‽
A new platform, touted to be called “Threads”, that’s probably going to be very twitter like but on the fediverse. I think all instagram accounts will automatically or easily have a “Threads” account, so it’s probably being positioned as a text/twitter extension of instagram.
Not only is it coming, but probably in the next month or two. And it seems that they want to federate with mastodon instances and the fediverse at large. For example, one large mastodon instance admin has already revealed that they’ve spoken to reps from meta.
As far as business motivations, Meta and Zuck are competitors with Twitter, and this is a good opportunity for them to go for Twitter’s throat, while also using us (fediverse) as a weapon against BlueSky. Additionally, there may be some legal benefits to any anti-trust claims if they’re operating on an open protocol, despite potentially dominating it with the huge instagram membership/
The problem will be getting your general insta user used to the concept of the fediverse. I mean, i came here voluntarily from reddit and ive put effort into understanding it and im still confused a bit
How do they plan on integrating everybody’s insta account without mass confusion?
Hell, this makes me kinda anxious about how my insta will work and i have a headstart haha
From what I’ve seen no one will welcome them
Interesting. From what I’ve seen there’s a real divide over and many will welcome them or at least not want to defederate from them. There’s a real chance, IMO, that it splits the fediverse and creates a smaller periphery of anti-meta instances with a bigger mainstream center connected to meta and potentially other corporations (because even if Mozilla or Flipboard or Tumblr aren’t in favour of meta joining, they’ll still want to join where the majority are). If such a split happens, it will certainly be at least interesting to see what structure the network takes on.
Of it’s actually federated (a claim I find incredibly dubious) none of that would matter though right? Disengaging from it would be as simple as choosing not to engage with the instance(S), it would create more awareness for the Fediverse, and serve as an on boarding platform to introduce new users and increase content and interactions across the fediverse.
But this is Meta, the single most corpo mega Corp involved In social media; so I feel pretty confident there’s a MALICOUS goal in mind I’m just not considering.
Large if correct!
It’s certainly true that the CEO committed to federating. I can assure you. They said they’d do it ASAP after sorting other scaling issues of their own out.
Word is though that they’ve been hesitant since and that’s where things get into rumour for me. But I’ve seen the CEOs comments myself on federating, it’s not just a rumour I heard.
The last one should be Digg
Digg is a bit farther back.
I could never find my way along Tumblr. I really tried. There is something about the way content is shared and reposted that doesn’t work for me.
read bottom to top.
all you have to do is
it’s easy
Well, I tried.
That doesn’t make sense 😡
I’ve never been much of a tumblr person but I may check it out. I’ve also jumped into mastodon, but haven’t found much funny
When the Twitter-pocalypse was happening I did check out Tumblr a fair bit more. Dear god, that place was like 10 times funnier since the porn ban. It’s like the whole place aged up a bunch and the people left were far more mature and creative. Like, seeing the whole Goncharov thing unfold was amazing.
But if you have any more niche interest, yeah, place is much slower.