A little long maybe, I assume it won’t be long until it’s just “likensub”.
My son, always remember to smash that like button and subscribe…*sniff* and please, whatever you do, leave a review because it helps new people find the channel. Oh god, I’m no good at goodbyes…
No good at likensubs*
Please comment as it drives the algorithm!
Future etymologists will conjecture that it has something to do with the popularization of an obscure lichen meme combined with a contraction of the word “submissive” within the BDSM context, and only started being used as an ironic punctuation to statements after another popular meme, similar to the origin of how “F” is used as a common, brief response to a tragedy.
Lichen Sub-Scribe. Clearly a fungal person who is notating every occurrence and likes to be dommed.
How does the warewolf YouTuber end his videos?
How does the botany YouTuber sign off?
Lichen subscribe!
And of course there’s Oh the Urbanity’s “Don’t forget to bike and subscribe!”
And when they give a speech on stage, they do it at something lycopodium
lycanscrub, lyescrub, lysob
Scribe scribe 👋
This has the vibe of the Sims 2 voice that would leave for work saying “Shy-bye”.
me taunting a qing dynasty accountant, who is growing increasingly sick of my shit
This vastly underestimates the laziness of English speakers. No: It’ll be shortened to…
donfergen lycanscribe
Don’t forget, you’re here forever
Do it for her
Please comment, it helps my mental algorithm more than you realize.
comment for the algorithm
In the Idiocracy timeline we’re likely in, it becomes McRib
Lick my ribs
Lick me rib
spongeboy me bob
no, lick MY ribs!
Lick you later!
yelling at a forest: Lichen Subside!
We live in Czechia and my SO is teacher in local school. She asked a 6th grade girl what she wants to draw today and she literally responded “IDK”. It’s kind off weird how internet slang is slowly merging in everyday IRL vocabulary.
When I was younger, there were people who would actually say lol. I wouldn’t say it’s new, but I think the advent of the internet has certainly accelerated some aspects of linguistic evolution.
It would be fascinating to be a fly on the wall in a couple hundred years’ time to see where English goes from here.
for me “lol” and “lmao” are desperately trying to replace non-lexical sounds of amusement like “hah!” and “eeey!”
I do this, I hate it, but I can’t get rid of it so I’ve started to accept it.
Yeah, we say lol to each other as a joke when something is “funny” or as a joke in it self, but never as a response to someone outside the family circle or in formal setting. Bot that may change too in the future.
The internet is for sure speeding things up. I wonder how will our (Czech) language look like in 10, 20, 30 years. I am all for simplification but sometimes it just feels weird :D
I mean it’s kinda same when people say www instead of world wide web, even though the word has less syllable than the letter
All hail “dub dub dub”
I didn’t learn that www stood for world wide web until I was 19
There will be a generation that didn’t know lol stand for laugh out loud but will lol along.
I remember around 2015 people were saying ell oh ell
as in “aye dee kay”, or simply saying “i dunno” in english despite being in czech school?
Like when people say “LOL”? It’s so fucking weird to me
Slightly offtopic:
When I go to the source in my browser, I see that this toot has been boosted roughly 800 times and roughly 1400 favorites.
However, when I go to this toot via my Mastodon app, I’m seeing 256 boosts and 1 favourite.
Why is this different in my app vs the fosstodon link to the toot?
similar boat here: what I’ve noticed is that, on your instance, ‘foreign’ toots will only show the favourites coming from your instance. So, if 3 people from your instance favourited a toot that has 1500 favs total, you will only see 3 next to the star
this isn’t true for boosts, and I don’t know what causes the difference there. Its probably something to do with an incomplete federation (either because of blocks or simply because your server isn’t aware of all the others; I’ve noticed that the difference is much larger now that I’m on a smaller instance with less connections), but I’m not sure
for toots coming from other people on your instance, you will see the full count on both favs and boosts
Maybe the instance you’re logged into on your Mastodon app defederated from some others? Hmm
Why not now?
Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and likensub!
smash that like button
Thanks, I hate it.
This is already happening. Ive heard various reports from people working with schools/kids saying it.
chat, can anyone confirm this?
Probably. Ask a teacher.
it was a rhetorical question that only served as a vehicle for me to utilize “chat”.
I know; check my nickname, based off my real name.
wow, sorry. i did not even pick up on that.
i have a bad habit of not reading usernames. lol
Or maybe ‘gofuy’ …
Only the douchebags shall do this. So say we all. Yay Internet.