I’m slowly making my way through Between the Buried and Me’s discography and having a lot of fun. The Great Misdirect was the album that got me into them. I’m curious what everyone’s favorite album is from them and why. Right now mine would probably be The Parallax I or The Great Misdirect, but that could change soon! I also haven’t really gotten too much into Colors for some reason but hope to sometime soon.
Always Colors for me. Alaska is a close second
Parallax II no question.
The Parallax II for me, although Colors II comes pretty close!
I knew them with coma ecliptic and it will be always my fav
Great Misdirect or Parallax 2 really hard choice, original colors after those two.
I’ll always feel “closest” to Colors as it came into my life at the right time. Sonically though… either Parallax I or The Silent Circus… ugh but The Great Misdirect slaps so hard.
Lately its been Colors 2, but it changes a couple of times per year.
Let’s go parallax tour!!!