FINAL EDIT: found it, it’s Roswell Conspiracies, thank you everyone!
The white-haired females would frequently meet at a Stonehenge-like monument where there was also some kind of a portal. I also only remember this one specific scene and nothing beyond that:
(a bit graphic, click to show)
There are men who are restrained, and their mouths are being held open. An elderly man places a large egg on top of a ramp, and the lower end of the ramp is connected to the mouth of one of the restrained men. The egg eventually hatches, and a big snail emerges from it. The snail then slowly slides down the ramp and enters the mouth of the man, who is forced to swallow it. As a result, the man is immediately brainwashed and gains additional physical powers and will serve as an additional soldier for that old man.
EDIT: the art style resembled that of X-Men Evolution
I’ve got no idea what it is, but I’m excited to find out.
I do hope I’m not just hallucinating this scene 😬 ChatGPT couldn’t find it.
Is it “The Halloween Tree”? I haven’t seen it, but the synopsis on Wikipedia sounds like it might match?
Edit: I found it online, and while there is a scene with witches at Stonehenge, I couldn’t find anything with slugs. Probably not what OP is looking for
Edit: I found it online, and while there is a scene with witches at Stonehenge, I couldn’t find anything with slugs. Probably not what OP is looking for
Yes I also just watched that scene, definitely nothing to do with the description.
The egg snail brain control thing sound like animorphs but that was live action. I do remember a cult of white haired evil druids but can’t place that
a cult of white haired evil druids
They were indeed like a coven! One of them wasn’t evil though.
Roswell conspiracies?
Roswell conspiracies
Thanks a lot, that’s the one!
When did you see this? A time frame might help.
I’m sure it’s more than 10 years ago 😅
Was it cartoon or live action?
It was certainly a cartoon and the art style resembled that of X-Men Evolution (btw I just went through the 4 seasons and it doesn’t have a coven of white-haired druids or the snail scene so it’s obviously not it).
You could try looking up the work of people who worked on that show, if it’s the same style it very well could have some of the same artists, directors, etc.
Is this supposed to be the Claymore anime?
I feel you OP, I’ve recently spent many hours trying to find out about one animated show which I remember only a few tiny details of. I wasn’t successful.
Stonehenge and white haired people makes me think of Highlander: The Animated Series but I don’t remember enough about the show to know if it has the specific scene you mentioned.
Another detail, I’m almost sure the art style resembled that of the 2000s X-Men.
Bard says it may be an episode of the show W.I.T.C.H, perhaps named The Mudslugs.
After looking deeper into it I don’t think this is right, though. Google is just making stuff up about shows that do exist, but every time I search into it it’s just wrong, lol
Yup, ChatGPT suggests that at first but then when you ask it whether it is sure it says actually no and apologizes because it has no answer. I checked W.I.T.C.H and it doesn’t have that scene, and it certainly doesn’t have those white-haired females.