That looks pretty good tbh. Like mixing corn and peas into your mashed potatoes and gravy.
I’m Canadian though, we have a fries and gravy bias.
I’m not Canadian, but the first thing I thought was poutine. Add some cheese curds and I’d give this a try.
Is it bad I want to try it? But yeah it definitely needs cheese curds, maybe some pulled pork too.
Is that gravy or BBQ sauce?
Ok this is new evidence.
If it’s barbecue sauce it’s off.
I’d still take it if it were barbecue sauce, tbh.
Would that change anything?
I love me some fries and BBQ sauce. The corn, yeah alright I’ll dance with the devil.
Gravy. Though BBQ sauce wouldn’t be much worse.
Owen, we talked about this at the last Canada meeting.
The one where I proposed that simple gravy and fries is better than poutine.
No crimes detected. Would eat and enjoy. It’s not a proper poutine, would be improved by cheese curds, but impossible to be bad.
I’m almost certain that’s barbecue sauce. Gravy doesn’t look like that
A disturbing possibility which reopens a case I thought long closed.
A Chinese Pizzaria that I worked at added “Chinese Poutine” to the menu. Instead of cheese curds we just used the pizza cheese, and instead of gravy it got brown sauce. So fries, beef grounds, chicken pieces, brown sauce, cheese. Send that halfway through the oven, top with green onion. The Canadians that tried it said, “well it’s good, but definitely not poutine.”
What do you mean? That looks like completely normal gravy to me.
Honestly makes it sound better
The food doesn’t look good, but as a Nebraskan, I’m just happy to see Iowa out here taking shots.
On the other hand, you do have to live in Nebraska. :)
At least it’s not Eastern Wyoming.
Oh God, it sounds horrible.
I’d eat this one.
Let’s call this “Putin”. It’s kinda like poutine but also a crime against humanity.
That would actually hit well…
Send it over to /c/weedtime - they’d destroy it.
All y’all out here saying this looks good have never had decent gravy. But I agree better versions of the components put together make for a great non-nutritious snack after a night out.
It has carbs, what more could you need?
shitty poutin
Looks like what people who don’t know what cheese is might think poutine is by looking at a bad picture
I bet you it’s 🔥
I used to do this with mashed potatoes.
Y’all down for this - for fries this soggy?
Corn chips!
Looks a whole lot like a garbage plate from a different state, I don’t discriminate.