I’ve caught a ton of right-wingers right in this sub pandering the “Genocide joe” crap. A couple of them have admitted that they don’t even live in the US.
Yesterday, it was 5 of them.
Shit, I engaged with one of them a few days ago who forgot he wasn’t supposed to admit he’s Russian. Hope he didn’t get fired.
Guys, there are people on this site expressing their political opinions and they’re not even from the US. Anyone one of us could be a foreigner. Trust no one.
Guys, there are people on this site expressing their political opinions and they’re not even from the US. Anyone one of us could be a foreigner. Trust no one.
Not even allowed to be a Russian person online anymore
As a Russian bot living in America, I’m planning on voting for Biden because Putin told me to. I have no choice but to obey my programming.
every russian is payed by the goverment (they have UBI now)