I’m gonna say: Requiem for a Dream
Bruh i watched that movie just because the soundtrack was everywhere and i wanted to know what is origin was. Well done but one of the most disturbing and sad movies ill never watch again.
You don’t like ass to ass?
Yes, I was thinking Requiem for a Dream or The Fine Art of Love
edit: Pi is another one from Aronofsky that’s fucked up
While I agree, it’s honestly not one of aronofsky’s most fucked up movies imo.
I don’t know all of his stuff, though Mother! was pretty stressful to watch.
Pi. That’s all I need to say.
After you mentioned it, I had to check out Pi. I really liked it! If you haven’t seen it, you should check out David Lynch’s Eraserhead. I find it sort of similar, and also pretty fucked up.
I liked it too, but it’s messed up. And as someone with migraines, I understand the drill. I really, really do.
Great movie, very well done… But it’s disturbing as fuck.
Grave of the Fireflies
It is the greatest movie that I will never, ever, watch again.
I’m usually not a particularly emotional guy but damn that movie messed me up for a while.
It was originally screened with My Neighbor Totoro……
Btw I agree. It’s an absolutely devastatingly beautiful movie.
it was originally screened with My Neighbor Totoro…
Oh man. That’s entire theatre loads of traumatized children. 😵💫
It was the 80s. I’m sure they were all told it wasn’t bad and to go outside.
I’m pretty sure they put them together because that’s how you keep everyone from becoming suicidally depressed after watching Grave of the Fireflies D:
Iirc Totoro viewed first.
Well that’s a tactical error.
That is a heavy movie.
Reminds me of the movie “Nobody knows”, also from a real story, also Japanese.
Whatsoever, anything relating to kids’ suffering is…it’s hard.
Event Horizon
Yea there’s something to this movie, even though it’s kinda b-grade sci-fi horror. The idea and its presentation has something can get under your skin … including “that scene” (if you know you know).
I watched it as fairly young kid, at home alone, with most lights off (never being really bothered by horror), and no horror movie has troubled me more than that as I fell asleep thinking about if “that place” actually exists.
The movie has an interesting story about how so much was cut or couldn’t even be filmed and the editing ended up all over the place, the movie ist barely coherent at times. But the feeling I got just thinking about that place was captivating nonetheless, great movie. Captures the vastness and loneliness of space well imo
Man that’s weak sauce
Very good, but very fucked up. Hit close to home in the lifestyle I lived as a teenager, just luck that things didn’t end up like they did in the movie.
I downloaded this one to watch on a long plane ride recently and I guess I forgot what all was involved with it. It did not play for more than the intro credits before I was fumbling to close the app.
Midsommar…fucked up but a nearly perfect horror flic
What do you mean, this is how us Swedes celebrate the summer solstice each year 🤔
Agreed lol. Finally had the heart to watch it last weekend (after having known it was by A24 films). Suffice it to say, it fucked me up at different parts of the film. Amazing juxtaposition between cult/psychological horror and colorful, vibrant scenery. Great film, but probably won’t watch it again.
Have heard a lot about Hereditary too, but not sure if I have enough courage to watch yet.
This may be a basic film-bro™ answer, but Oldboy is a good baseline for “kinda fucked up” but also “really really good”. It’s even better on the second viewing. I even recommend watching Spike Lee’s misguided remake, because it makes you seriously appreciate the artistry behind what Park Chan-Wook was doing.
Pi by Darren Aronofsky
Came here to mention “Pi”, too.
But why did my clients list their money?!?
It freaked me out a little when the number 216 popped up. It used to be my home phone number.
Natural Born Killers. Though it really depends on threshold. Pulp Fiction is a better film imo, and some people would consider it “fucked up”. But I don’t really.
Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies of all time, I can rewatch it at any moment
Overall it’s not really fucked up, it’s not THAT crazy of a story, there are just some fucked up parts.
I worked at a movie theater in high school in the 90’s, all the older employees were huge movie nerds. I asked them what the greatest movie of all time was. Got diff answers but pulp fiction and fight club were two common answers. Watched both of them and they still hold up for me to this day.
IMO Tarantino will never top Pulp Fiction. As good as his other movies are, they just don’t even come close to the magic of Pulp Fiction. And maybe that’s my nostalgia speaking but I’ll bet if I sat down I could make an objective argument if I tried. His other movies sort of drag in places but PF keeps the viewer locked in with seamless, brilliant editing. By the time it gets to the gold watch monologue you’re just riveted. The last time I watched it and it got to that scene I was like oh right, this is easily a top 5 movie for me still.
The dragging critique is probably spot on. It’s like he is too much in love with his characters and dialogue to not indulge here and there, which can work in its own way, I’m certainly not averse to king patient films. But pulp fiction has a vitality in its pacing. And when a film has that without rushing things and staying coherent it’s magical.
I was going to say something about him being too self indulgent in all his later movies. That’s exactly what it is. Too in love with his own style. It should work but it comes off a bit…cartoonish.
Hardcore Henry.
It’s an easy answer. It’s a very pulpy, violent, action film shot entirely in a real time first person vantage. A guy gets experimented on, escapes from the mad scientist, then goes on a 90 min video game quest to save his kidnapped wife. It’s all explosions and train fights. It’s the kind of thing you worry that people will respect you less for having enjoyed, but it’s honestly an outstanding use of cinema and very fun.
Lovely movie. It’s done so well, I’m surprised nobody else attempted it.
If you like cheesy b horror and practical effect demo there is one called Hotel Inferno that is first person continual shot similar to Hardcore Henry but it can be a bit rough at times. The English dubbing isn’t great for example. At times the practical effects almost feels like the finisher kills from Doom 2016.
I think I’ve seen some bits, it looked pretty trash… But I don’t really have the appreciation for B horror.
That’s fair. I watched the whole trilogy and honestly it just becomes a slog. They took a novel idea and tried to franchise it and I think that wasn’t the best idea. Hardcore Henry is still very much superior.
Can’t wait to watch this, thanks for the info 🙏
The ending to The Mist will follow me to my grave. Absolutely fucked up
Yeah an amazing movie and the ending is absolutely horrid just because it’s completely fucked up.
Such a shame I can’t find a 4k release
“Requiem for a Dream.” It’s a great movie to watch once. I loved it, never have any interest in watching it again, and saw the book and thought, “Oh I liked that movie I’ll grab the book.” I started reading, and the first scene (as in the movie) is the junkie is at his mom’s place trying to steal her TV to sell to buy drugs, and she’s begging him not to because she wants him to get help, and he finds she’s chained the TV up so he can’t steal it as he’s done before, and he gets really mad at her because she’s chained the TV up so he can’t steal it.
I thought, “Oh, right,” and put the book down immediately. I have no interest in picking it up and reading the rest of it.
I can relate. Will never watch that great movie again.
I still didn’t finish it… But mostly because it’s boring and weird to be honest, not as much fucked up. In fact I guess I just don’t get it. It’s like… Trainspotting meets Donnie Darko? Both of those I like but this one doesn’t vibe with me.
I don’t watch a crazy amount of movies but I loved The Platform (2019). It’s a horror movie and and a revolting, elegant metaphor for class inequality.
Another movie that essentially tells the same story in a different setting is Snowpiercer. Both movies are great imo.
A russian War Film called “Come and See” Three hours of watching a young boy being mentally wrecked by the atrocities of War. Gruesom, fucked up but incredible Film
Just watched that a few weeks back. Took years to psyche myself up to watch it, due to it’s notoriety. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it is NOT for the faint hearted. Truly a masterwork in acting and congratulations. The sound, in particular, was haunting and dissonant.
Grave of the Fireflies if you want to be depressed.
Nightcrawler if you want to be creeped out.
Gyllenhaal’s performance was so disturbing.
Basket Case (1982)
This movie is about twin brothers who try to find success in new york but one of the brothers is a murderous blob of flesh who lives in a basket.
That’s a good one. First Joe Bob episode I ever watched was on that movie, fantastic