any cop who lied and told him his father was dead should get jailtime
fuck jail time, they should be brought out into the middle of the sea and kicked overboard. if they’re strong enough swimmers they might die of dehydration
Cops who deliberately lie to get a confession should be punished with the maximum sentence for the crime they were trying to pin on their victim.
I mean, from a technical standpoint there isn’t much of an alternative method of getting a confession outside of lying and manipulation - perhaps torture, but that doesn’t exactly work. But planting memories into someone is just evil. They likely noticed he was mentally unwell and figured he was a good fit to send to the Tyson slaughterhouse to replace the prisoner/migrant worker/drug addict/troubled teen who caught the flu and died.
Something that really gets me, is that if they found any recent victim in a 50-mile area, they would’ve said this is the guy, locked him up, and it would never have even been a news story. It’s a long established fact that forced confessions are worth diddly, yet the only reason this got picked up is because there was no dead person to tie off the loose end.
What’s scariest about this story is not that it happened and they got caught, it’s that they must have done it a hundred other times and not been caught. How many other people are in prison after being psychologically tortured into falsely confessing?
We need to organize against these cops. There needs to be protests outside the precinct until they are either arrested or fired. There is literally no justification to keep them employed an 'peage officers ’ after something like this.
Lol fuck the precinct. They should be protesting and threatening him outside his home. His family should not feel safe. Or their.
Stuff like this is why confessions don’t mean shit.
Literal monsters
For anyone who doesn’t already know this, this is why you NEVER speak to the police without an attorney present!!
All I have to say is 🔻
Pffft at least this isn’t communist china, there the government would take all your monies. At least in burgerland you can do a lawsuit after all the endured torture. Can’t do that in a comunist authoritarian dictator country.
But the money comes from taxpayers and not the cops’ paycheck, so basically we do live in communist china!