[alt: blatantly edited google results page, all the new text is in comic sans.
search for “soup definition” returning an ai result saying “you can write literally anything on here and people will eat it up and blame it on ai. look im not even using the right font its not like anyone cares”]
The ai can even change the font now!1! Thats crazy
Wow unbelievable. AI gives me the creeps
Real experts use dev tools and edit the div’s
i dont think i have the ai on my google yet + the pic works better if its obviously faked
Why would I do that when reddit shitposters from 10 years ago have already done it for me?
The dog in hot car one and glue in pizza cheese i was able to reproduce on my Google search before they fixed it. But definitely some are fake
Inspect element script kiddies be like
Wow the ai is so useful and can even manipulate fonts!!!11!11eleven!11
people just like to complain. prime example you lol
I almost scrolled past this meme because it’s what I already do with these AI answers. Google barely understands the questions I ask it in first place, always redirecting me places I have negative interest in. This is just more shit on top of the shit.
Wow I can’t believe Google is using comic sans. Yikes!
damn the ai is using comic sans now?
humanity is ruined.
It’s become self-aware and is parodying itself!
wow you’re so smart
True if big
we must put a stop to this anti-google slander !
Woah man. That one crazy soup recipe.