So there was some dude on Tiktok who recounted a story about working as a fireman and the station developed a mascot and made it an anthropomorphic animal that was dressed in a fireman’s uniform and all that. Everyone really liked it and he was the only person who spoke up and said “Yo, that’s a furry mascot!” and had to explain it to the boss, so they changed the mascot.
I’m mischievous as fuck and I can hold a straight face. My ass 100% would have just gone with it if I was in his place, not breathing a word about this, because of the opportunity for endless situational comedy that it would provide me. When the timing was perfect I would have suggested to the boss that we need to crowdfund getting a suit made of the mascot so different members of the team can wear it for community events.
The overlap between mascot costumes and fursuits is significant
Support to this woman for whatever it is she did that the Navy arrested her for.
Hiring local furries to dance for you I see
That face lmao
Chasers have infiltrated the furry community