I reckon it’s Anne Robinson. Fight me.
Huw Edwards seems to be the bookies favourite at the moment…
Given the Snapchat photo that’s been trending on Twitter today – it seems increasingly likely to be Huw!
Something that I wasn’t expecting to see… Huws arse!
Ive noticed he’s not on the bbc news intro anymore. Could just be coincidence though.
Someone clue me in here? Very confusing post with no context 😅
The title isn’t exactly clear. I’d assumed a BBC presenter was buying blow from a kid, but that ain’t it at all. The presenter was paying for nudes and the kid was buying blow.
Oh. News. Eww.
Been so long since I’ve watched anything on the BBC I can’t even have a guess
Sir Killalot
Nah. Refbot! Sgt Bash was onto him.
The authority went to his head. Maybe that’s why Bash was disappeared 😱
Oh shit lads I think you’re onto something there!
It’s one of the teletubbies. That Tinky winky was always a bit sus.
With a winky that tinky, can you blame him?
My money’s on Gordon the gopher. He was always a dodgy looking fuck.
The guy with one hand up Gordon the Gopher and the other up Schofield.
Gary Liniker… BBC are trying to get their own back by stitching him up
Pretty much any of the Chasers
Don’t wanna be that guy but that’s an ITV show. Now if you wanna talk about the Eggheads, now that I could believe.
The Eggheads all have such bad vibes. At least when CJ killed someone it was in self defence.
Especially Hegarty.
Don’t know, hope it’s funny though.
It could be anyone!! Who hasn’t been on air recently?
Jimmy Saville! I always thought he was a wrongun.
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Definitely Mr Tumble!
Removed by mod
Rob Brydon has always seemed a bit off to me
No, not Rob Brydon!
The rumours are though that it is a different revered Welshman. I kinda hope it’s somebody else.
Maybe we should Corden off Wales.
(Yes I know the rumours weren’t about him, but we should never let truth get in the way of a good* pun)
(*We do not accept liability for puns being bad)
Well I’m not going to mention the name but the “Economic Times” has posted a name that has not been mentioned in this thread so far. Not sure where they got the info but it is a presenter on holiday.
hah! They have edited the article to remove the said name.
Probably just in time to protect themselves against litigation. Now that it’s out, I can say that for some reason the news website in question posted that it was breakfast presenter Jon Kay (of whom I have never heard) that was suspended. Apparently he’s just on holiday though.
The only news outfit to publically name anyone before the public statement, and they got it wrong. Bravo! 👏