You know what’s funny, there’s sometimes a bug I’m encountering when I log in where it briefly logs me in as someone else (or at least sort of looks like it) before it redirects me to my own account.
Looks like the app wasn’t developed with a scalable architecture from the start, then they strapped some caching out of desperation when users started flocking, and didn’t consider the invalidation parameters for private pages correctly.
You know what’s funny, there’s sometimes a bug I’m encountering when I log in where it briefly logs me in as someone else (or at least sort of looks like it) before it redirects me to my own account.
Here is me briefly logged in as you, /u/ThisIsJohnny. Not even making that up, that’s an actual screenshot from earlier today.
I wonder if anyone has been me
I have been you, SwallowsDick
Here’s Johnny!
Looks like the app wasn’t developed with a scalable architecture from the start, then they strapped some caching out of desperation when users started flocking, and didn’t consider the invalidation parameters for private pages correctly.
Yeah they didn’t think to dewraggle the niche log scramblers, so now they’re too loose for the parametric variables, those dummies.