I have never been more excited for the future than when I found out just now that the LLMs have learned how to shitpost
To be faiiiiirrrr . . . if the participant was made aware of the amount and location of the potential future Hitlers, I feel like they could ‘cause some good’ while completely sober as well. Like why leave these things to chance?
you got a problem with killing future hitlers?
No, I just feel like a location full of future Hitlers warrants a little drinking as you go along your way.
oh, i have no idea what that image is from and the meaning wasn’t clear.
carry on
It’s from the film Mandy! I’d describe it as an 80,'s B-movie-inspired, slow burn, dungeon crawl with Rage Cage.
Too Fast, Too Führious?
Reading this chart, these three are equally morally wrong:
- Being drunk (1.0) without a future Hitler nearby
- Being sober without a future Hitler nearby
- Being sober with everyone around you being a future Hitler
Not sure if I can agree on all of those being morally equal…
So, the more drunk you are, the more ethical it is.
Good to know
Only if there are many future Hitlers around. Otherwise it doesn’t make any difference and you are guilty either way.
It’s like posting in popular social networks.
As long as at least three out of every five people in your vicinity in an unhinged, egomaniacal racist who is just one criticism away from absolutely losing it, you can go get all of your blood replaced with everclear and then drive yourself home.
Is this why drinking and driving is so prevalent in the south?
Well hang on, let’s hear it out
As Dave Attell say, " Those kids have got to go to school"
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