Came into this thread wondering “who the hell wears belts?”. Then saw everyone in here was taking belt wearage as a given. Then looked over at my husband and saw he’s wearing a belt.
TIL, all men apparently wear belts and I just never noticed before.
Men’s pants can be a lot more loose around the waist and we typically have no butt to hold things up.
It’s to leave space for full pockets
You know, in my jealousy about the capacious pockets in men’s pants, I never thought about how they must weigh the pants down when they’re full of keys and wallet and phone and tampons and condoms and stuff. No wonder y’all need belts!
Before I transitioned I used to wear cargo pants. (When presenting male, I didn’t give a fuck what I looked like lol). I put so much stuff in those pockets, including a charger for my laptop. My pants were so heavy I had to wear suspenders to hold them up - a belt wouldn’t cut it.
I tell you hwhat
The belts keep the pants up, the pant loops let the belt up. Who is the real hero?
Not just men, I’m a woman and I wear a belt regularly. It keeps my pants from drooping because I’m thin with wide hips.
I’m an elder emo… I still wear my studded belts. D:
Same here! Rarely leave the house without it
What’ll really blow your mind is look to see if the belt color matches his shoes.
That’s a fashion rule that I think is stupid but obey 100% of the time.
massive phone, wallet, keys, car keys, airpods, tape measure; all kinds of stuff on the pockets, need a belt to hold the pants up
all men apparently wear belts
Not me. I used to wear them once upon a time, but I learnt to just buy better fitting pants, or get them altered at the tailors so they fit well.
Look at Rockefeller over here with their tailor.
Something I accidentally did for myself as an adolescent is get a tailor. I cannot recommend enough!
Your clothes look nicer, but they also last a lot longer when they’re altered to work with your body instead of against it.
How much do they cost?
Also… how do you do that by accident?
It varies. You can find some very affordable tailors that do really good work. It depends a lot on what you want done. Take in a shirt? Maybe $30. Tons of alterations on a suit jacket? Could be $150+. It really depends.
I’ve found that a good tailor is worth every penny, though. I have many 20 year old clothing items that still look good and aren’t overly worn because they fit well.
Alright, so probably not for me, as the only upper body wear I like is plain red t-shirts, which come pretty cheap anyways.
Yeah, I don’t think t-shirts are necessarily bigtime tailoring candidates, but pretty much all pants are!
I currently have a brand of OTR pants that fit me nicely, so I don’t have every single pair of pants I buy tailored. But the difference is noticeable when I do have a pair done. I like Levis 514 jeans, but they’re cut for wider hips than I posess. A little take-in and maybe a different hem length drastically changes the way I look in jeans. It adds a tidiness that makes them more versatile.
Here’s me running ass naked after pooping to wash my hands before pulling up my pants
That’s the spirit
If you wash your belt you lose all your jiu-jitsu knowledge and have to start from white again. Everyone knows this.
Is that why no one at the gym will spar with me as a brown belt!?
Maybe if you’d put on something beyond the belt Mr “Sumo Jitsu”
Jokes on you, I wash my belt all the time!
…which is definitely not because I leave it on my pants and forget to take it off before I throw them in the laundry.
Why can’t the TSA ever be there to remind me to remove my belt when I actually need them!?
I wash my belts
Me too.
how do you wash your belts?
When i forget to take them off my pants mostly. I don’t wear like nice leather belts though I just throw them in and let them clank around
Leather cleaner/conditioner and a brush.
In the washing machine. Then, I throw them out because they are ruined and buy some more.
I don’t actually do this, but I imagine that’s what the response will be.
Depends on the material, but with leather I give it a light spray of lysol and then just let it air out. TBH I don’t know how effective it is, but I figure it’s better than nothing.
Every time I forgot to wash my hands my dad would hit me with his sticky belt. I miss them old days …
Can’t cover everything. Gotta leave some things up to your immune system.
You guys don’t just unzip and release the snake?
Girls wear belts, too
Nah the release of pressure from my belt lets my bladder know it’s go time 😎
Doesn’t work well when you gotta poop.
Not with that attitude.
On Lemmy, we hold our poop for 3 days.
You don’t just unzip the back zipper and release the stinky snake?
Back zipper? You’re not wearing a kilt and just letting fall out on the street?
Because I wear suspenders…
You guys wear belts?
You guys use toilets?
How do you hold up your trousers? Suspenders?
I feel like a belt ruins the appearance of many pants, sometimes you just don’t want a belt with your outfit. I like to focus of finding pants with a good fit, and take them to a tailor for some modifications if necessary.
I buy my clothing at Goodwill because Walmart over charges.
I buy my clothing at walmart because goodwill over charges.
The duality of Man
The man of Duality.
I hate that I know this now.
Am I the only person that washes hands before putting the belt back on?
Now we all know you touch your pants with your filthy poop hands.
You think you’re anonymous here, but next time I see someone in a public toilet washing their hands with their pants down, I will know their Lemmy handle is @PopularUsername.
This assumes they use the toilet when out of their home. I sure as hell don’t.
Last time I wore a belt was for a costume party like 10 years ago. Dresses and sweatpants don’t thankfully need belts.
Joke’s on you, i never leave the toilet.
I would like to travel about a minute back in time so I could undo reading this!
I solved this problem by not wearing a belt!
(I dress like a slob.)