yea the solution is to put 50% tariffs on 80% of the world’s solar panels
death to AmericaAnti-nuclear greens are serving the fossil fuel industry
nuclear is the answer (destruction of the west with nuclear bombs)
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Just fucking shoot me
Canadian Greens are the absolute most insufferable kind of libs. Their solutions for climate change are basically to replace fossil fuels with [Future Technology 18] like they’re playing Civilization 2 with cheats turned on.
A post about the debate between nuclear and green energy and not one idiot in the comments talking about windmills killing birds or claiming solar panels don’t work in winter.
I feel like I’m breathing fresh air for the first time
Solar panels kill birds and windmills don’t work in the winter. If nuclear wasn’t the only truly green energy source, why does it glow that color.?
I believe that’s what they call, in the business, a checkmate.
Nuclear is actually the solution, trap every billionaire in a nuclear waste barrel and bury them in a cave 1km deep forever
~for better results, recycle used barrels~
The recent war in Ukraine made me a lot more cautious of nuclear because if there’s a belligerent who’s willing to cross the Rubicon by bombing nuclear plants (ie the US), then all the statistics about nuclear plants being safe goes out the window. There’s also speculation that if Israel nukes Tehran, Iran will launch hypersonic cruise missiles targeting Israeli nuclear plants and Chernobyl Israel since their main nuclear plant is located at the very center of Israel on top of other nuclear plants that are located close to urban centers.
Of course, it’s not like bombing coal plants will have zero environmental impact and I would imagine blowing up dams will overall do far more environmental damage and kill far more people.
The relevant questions are:
What are the environmental impacts and human costs of a nuclear plant being bombed and destroyed by a belligerent military?
What safeguards can be placed to thwart or mitigate military attacks targeting nuclear plants?
if i didn’t want iran to bomb my nuclear power plants i would simply not bait them into conflict when committing genocide
Death to America
iran is not going to blow up your power plant. nuclear plant in ukraine wasn’t destroyed in recent fighting either. the hypersonic missiles were just regular ballistic missiles that reach hypersonic velocities at the end of their flight path, not state-of-the-art. it’s not speculation iran can absolutely sustain a blackout of israel
Taking a look at Chernobyl today, the environmental impacts of a melted down or destroyed nuclear reactor are way less destructive (maybe not destructive at all, except to human life within close proximity of the reactor) than the costs of avoiding nuclear in fear of these hypothetical possibilities
based and correct. if you still think there is any technology that is the answer to human civilizations unsustainable ways you are worse than useless.
The opposite of this^
As opposed to the useful demand that entitled, murderous imperialists stop buying trinkets and treats and help developing countries?
Yeah exactly 👍
if you think moderating individual consumption choices is going to solve this, you are worse than useless. only like 10% of the population in the imperial core has significant disposable income
fuck your lazy degrowth idealism and eat shit, nuclearizing the first world and developing all kinds of power infrastructure, including with fossil fuels in the third world is critical to ending climate change
for poor countries to stop being exploited in a climate-destructive way they paradoxically need power plants, senegal needs oil refineries for industry in order to undo the wasteful hierarchy of imperialism
Hey everyone let’s quite literally judge this book by its cover
I like the shade of yellow in the text
let’s quite literally judge this book by its cover
The title on the cover is pretty blatant about what the thesis of the book is.
I don’t know about everybody else, but I’m judging it based on the author being a Canadian turbolib who’s still really scared of getting nuked by the USSR.
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Naomi Klein gave it a good review so it’s probably not turbolib shit.
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you simply don’t know what you’re talking about.
Let’s take a peek at Naomi Klein’s recent writing, but first I want to preface it by pointing out her last book was about how “the pandemic made everyone crazy” and some people mixed up her Twitter account with an antivaxxer. Pretty thin gruel, and the Shock Doctrine wasn’t really much better at using a lame analogy to conduct a historical investigation. It’s kind of impressive how people trip over hacks like Klein and Zizek and make them part of their weird pantheon of writers considering their writing contains so many blatant insults to the reader’s intelligence. I guess it’s all about the buzz surrounding some writers, Klein speaking at occupy, Zizek appearing in documentaries, which obscures the hints in their writing that precede their most trashy displays in rando magazines like Compact and whatever this one where Klein is using a genocide to sell the aforementioned shit book is called. Okay, now on to the good stuff.
DS: It’s very hard to know how to behave right now. I know you wrote a piece last week about the tragedy of the Hamas attacks, and there were some who were hurt by parts of it.
NK: I think everybody is in an impossible position that we didn’t create. The Israeli government has used the bloodiest day in the history of the Jewish people since the Holocaust, and there was not even time to bury the dead to mourn before those deaths were used to justify a massive war crime that is ongoing in Gaza and now expanding beyond it.
Let’s remind ourselves what got her in hot water that she’s brushing off here:
I spent the evening in candlelight and tears with a dear friend who just learned that a close family member was among those massacred in Israel. I won’t name the kibbutz to protect her privacy but yes, it was unequivocally a massacre.
We tried to explain the killing of this family member – a civilian with two kids – to our kids. We tried to do it in a way that would not fill their young hearts with fear and hatred for the people who committed the crime. That was hard enough, but possible. Harder for us adults is the fact that, in their desire to celebrate the powerful symbolism of Palestinians escaping the open air prison that is Gaza — which occupied people have every right to do — some of our supposed comrades on the left continue to minimize massacres of Israeli civilians, and in some extreme cases, even seem to celebrate them.
In fact these callous displays are a gift to militant Zionism, since they neatly shore up and reconfirm its core and governing belief: that the non-Jewish world hates Jews and always will – look, even the bleeding-heart left is making excuses for our killers and thinks that Jewish kids and old ladies deserved death merely by living in Israel.
“So sorry you were offended, it’s hard to know how to be “politically correct” with all the rabid leftists these days, buy my book. :-)”
It really seems to be a no-brainer that any writer who compulsively shits on the USSR without making a real analysis just by making shitty historical comparisons (Ann Pettifor comparing proposals to use western tax dollars to fund a “green belt” of for profit enterprises in the Sahel to the Soviet Union may be a rare exception, but honestly she seems to hinge everything on investors putting down the cocaine and considering climate change seriously so maybe the rest of her stuff is lame too, also the guy who wrote Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of A Ukrainian Nationalist trashes the USSR here and there but he never backs it up with anything good and the stuff on the OUN etc is great) can be dismissed completely
Thank you for coming to my TED talk in conclusion check the ingredients on your slop next time
I know he was born in India. His professional career is in British Columbia.
His “it takes too long!” argument is absolute nonsense. It hinges on the bulk of the “construction” time being government reluctance about nuclear power. So nuclear power takes too long to build because we take too long to build it? That argument doesn’t pass muster.
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What energy source ist fast enough to build? Wind? PV?
France constructed 56 reactors in 15 years (1974-1989) with about 60GW capacity.
Germanys nuclear program was faster in constructing capacity than any phase in the Energiewende.
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You do know that you can build nuclear power plants almost anywhere?
Four of the french ones are not at water sources. The biggest in the US is located in a desert. Katar has nuclear reactors.
Why would site selection be difficult?
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Weird how China can do it in five years, then.
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I’m sorry. I think I’ve been overly hostile. We definitely can agree on the point that we need to walk and chew gum at the same time, so to speak.
We need to be busting out every tool at our disposal to slow down this global climate crisis. I’m just of the opinion that fear of nuclear power is vastly overblown, and this book is feeding into that fear. In a perfect world we’d be running entirely off true renewable energy. But we aren’t. We live in Hell. We need to pull out all the stops so we don’t make ourselves extinct.
20 years doesn’t really seem that big of a deal compared to the consequences of climate chsnge. But in the US, it will actually take 60 years and then abandoned half way because 25 contractors were revealed to be fictitious companies and the 5 real ones demand a $150 billion screwdriver
Why does it take too long? Because there are too many people who believe it’s too dangerous
Capitalism is generally also horrible at building things, even if the decision is finally made.
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why are you assuming that nuclear has to completely replace all other forms of energy, whether renewable or not, to be worth building?
Death to America
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Did your calculation account for the fact that energy and economic growth having an almost 1:1 relation, meaning a compound growth of ~3% economic growth every year will add up quadrupling the energy requirements in 50 years.
I think the layout is boring and makes it look like a textbook.
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Of course it’s not the solution. Much like geothermal isn’t the solution, or wind isn’t the solution. They’re all tools we need to be using, right the hell now.
And the decades long startup time for reactors is solely a mater of political will. There’s no reason we can’t have modern nuclear power plants up and running in the span of a couple years, rather than decades. These aren’t the rinky-dink 1960’s reactors that melt down if the operator is an arrogant capitalist asshole. Modern designs take that choice out of human hands—if things go sideways, they self-terminate.
heres my fake summary:
instead let’s… i dunno, drill a hole to the earths core or mine asteroids for orbital solar panels or other easily attainable, practical solutions we can do in the next 5 years
then we’ll just wait for a bunch of scam startups in the west to magically develop a commercial fusion reactor
Who wants to get in on scamming Western governments with my patented and 100% guaranteed safe Swensonium reactor?
Because when you buy a Phineas Q. Swenson product, you can rest assured that it's a quality product at a quality price
After all, that's what the Q in Phineas Q. Swenson stands for, guaranteed!
maybe read it first before posting it here
Counterpoint: It is
Also, I want my superpowers and I’m not going to get them from freak solar accident, so nuclear is the route to take