After 3 years of hell, I finally got through Grade 10 and heading into senior high.
Can someone explain to me how the education levels work in US? What is “senior high”, “grade 10”, “high school” whatever, what age group are these in, etc.
Not sure what OP is talking about, doesn’t sound like the K-12 education system.
But as for your question, there are 12 “grades” in the US public education system, plus kindergarten, which comes before first grade.
The first five grades are generally called “elementary school,” which has its own seperate building. Most kids begin around age 4-5 in kindergarten.
Then, grades 6-8 are called either “middle school” or “junior high,” these are usually kids from age 11-14, and the building is generally seperate but can also be connected to the next set of grades.
Finally, grades 9-12 are called “high school” or more formally, “secondary education.” Grade 9 are “freshmen,” grade 10 are “sophomores,” grade 11 are “juniors,” and grade 12 are “seniors.” These kids range from 14-18.
Each grade is a little less than a year long, from late summer of one year to spring of the next, with a 2-3 month summer vacation.
I think that’s all? I mean, you also have pre-school, which is an optional class that you can send your kid to before they start kindergarten.
Outstanding, comrade, thank you for the information
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Yes our school starts middle school at 5th grade. It’s a mixed bag. I know a district near us was K-3 / 4-5 / 6-8 / 9-12. But that was mostly because they didn’t have big enough schools.
I don’t know what senior high is and we stop saying grade numbers after 8th grade. High school is 9th-12th grade but we normally refer to those grades as freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior year.
Also, these grades are usually separated into 3 schools: elementary, middle, and high school. Though some places have a combined elementary + middle school. So it goes like this:
- Elementary School: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grade
- Middle School: 6th, 7th, 8th grade
- High School: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior year
Thank you comrade, really appreciate the explanation
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“senior high” isn’t a thing in USAmerika anyways
I am a Filipino
Here in the Philippines Grade 7-10 is junior high, 10-12 is senior high
In Plano, Texas, they have a “senior high” for 11th-12th grades. It’s unusual in the US. Plano has such a large school district that they thought a few large “senior high schools” (~1300 students per grade) would allow offering classes that only a few students were interested in
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OP says in their profile they’re from the Philippines, which makes this post make more sense.
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Congrats! Keep moving forward. As you learn and grow, things will get easier. Looking back at the difficulties I had at that age, I can see that a lot of it was due to the simple fact that I didn’t have a stable foundation of “self” yet. It’s hard to feel confident in yourself when you don’t know yourself yet.
Maybe this helps. Maybe it doesn’t. But know that nothing in life is stable. Life is change, and tomorrow won’t be the same as today.
Yeah, what boomers don’t understand is that life changes. It’s nice adapting from time to time
Congratulations comrade!
congrats. Take it easy
Proud of you
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