In Apollo I could tap and hold a posted image and there’d be an option to share the image directly with my contacts. Here I can only share the Lemmy link.
I guess what Apollo was doing was temporarily downloading the image/video and then deleted it after being shared.
Right now I can’t copy an image through wefwef either, I have to open the link through safari to have that functionality.
With wefwef on iOS , if I tap an image to full screen it, then hold, I get options to share, copy, or save. Share gives me a link, copy gives me the image, and save saves the image.
When I paste the image, it seems like 50/50 on if it will just nicely paste the image or paste a file instead.
Dang I’m using iOS and I don’t get those options. Maybe I need to update iOS?
Dumb question but are you sure you’re trying this with the full screened image that you’ve already tapped once? You get different options in feed/post and after you’ve tapped it once to open it.
I ask because I confused myself this way until I got in the habit:)
I am on 16.5.1 if that helps
I mean I can do it. I tap and hold, and I see a “Share Image” option. Are you sure you aren’t trying to share a thumbnail image from a link? Go to ! and try it.
Edit: Wait, it also works on link thumbnails. Not sure why it doesn’t for you.
I get nothing from tap-hold on any image, no options 🤔
Android or iOS?
I’m on Android. Maybe this is default browser behavior on Android that doesn’t exist on iOS.
seems plausible 👍🏼
I did not know of this, I was taking screenshots like a luddite. Cheers!
No unfortunately it doesn’t do anything other than a subtle zoom when I tap and hold, no menu pops up or anything :(
Are you using an Android or an iOS?
I have the same problem today. I guess it’s the new gallery view.
It’s better, but this use case seems to have vanished. Let’s hope it returns soon!
I updated my iphone se (1st generation) to iOS 15.7.7. I’m still unable to easily share the images themselves like I used to in apollo. My current workaround is to use the browser directly, where I can at least copy the image.
I really miss apollo :(