I just have to laugh.
Fuck reddit! I’m here now!
Right? The first few days I was worried it just wouldn’t be the same, but the slower upload of content here has made me browse when I want to without over browsing endlessly. The less active comment sections means I can interact with more people without being buried…it’s just better. And I’m excited to see it grow
I think I’ve been afraid to comment on Reddit because I assume no one will read it or I won’t have anything novel to say. But I definitely agree that I like the smaller community here
I’m afraid to comment here because everyone will see it!
“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” ― Seinfeld
Quality has been dramatically better here than Reddit has been for many years. Finding people actually discussing the post in the comments is rare on Reddit, you have to sift through endless lines of off topic puns and memes being promoted by bots for karma farming. The goal of comments on Reddit is to be funny, not interesting or useful. The fediverse is more like Reddit eight or nine years ago, when they were figuring out their control algorithms, building their own bot network to game their own site (remember the subreddit where the reddit-built bots used to exclusively talk with each other for practice? I wonder what those bots are doing today…), and learning how to control the flow of information on their page while also finally making some things more stable.
I’m really curious if any parts of the fediverse can avoid the same pitfalls that Reddit eagerly jumped into. It’s probably doubtful since once the advertisers get here, greed will win. It always does. But maybe.
I agree with you: I think decline of a site is an inevitability, especially after advertising is needed due to increased traffic.
But I personally don’t need Lemmy or anywhere else to be permanent, since what I get out of it is either transient (scrolling for memes and things that pique my interest) or meaningful enough that it remains with me, meaning enjoyable or thought provoking discussions.
Granted, I’d rather alternative sites not go tits up in rapid succession while the shuffling corpse they’re trying to ape continues to slog on mindlessly, but keeping the impermanence in mind makes it easier to see these places as areas to congregate rather than the end to surfing the web in general.
Am I the only one that’s browsing every…instance? (I’m still not sure if that’s the right word. Every community within Lemmy.world) just for the sake of having newer posts to peruse? Or are you all in active enough communities that your subscribed communities are offering up new enough content regularly enough to just browse those?
Oh I’m always in the All section. Still kinda wrapping my head around instances as a concept: mentally I think if it as a single room with a ton of cubicles.
I treat subscriptions more like bookmarks: communities that I want to come back to specifically, but I don’t just browse them. It’s more like going to a grocery store and being sure to get the staples but not ignoring the rest of the aisles. How else am I going to find a new interest or perspective worth keeping if I don’t look?
I’m browsing all instances, not just communities on Lemmy.World right now. Curating a subscription stack more and more every day. And more importantly, identifying and blocking communities I never want to see in my /all/ feed. It’s been great so far.
I’m not sure if I’m just browsing Lemmy.world. Still getting the hang of what instance/servers/communities/etc that I’m interacting with.
Yeah, the nomadic life does sound pretty appealing at this time. I’ve learned over the years that nothing lasts forever, and this situation is showing that things don’t necessarily stay good for as long as they do last. What’s new and great eventually becomes old and tired (including us ourselves), but there’s probably still other new and great things out there (though we might actually see the end of that during our lifetimes, what with the end of the world looming).
I’ll hang out here for a while until I stop liking it, then I’ll probably hang out for a bit longer and then look around elsewhere.
I’m all for trying to be funny in comments for sure, but make it relevant to the topic and for fuck sake make it original. Spamming the same tired jokes and memes isn’t adding to the conversation.
This has been my biggest complaint. Wanna read the discussion? Be prepared to dig for it. It’s awful.
The largest thing I’ve noticed right now is there’s almost no new content. Like at all. There was some repeating but not like right now.
I’m a mod and almost none of the small subs I mod for are transitioning off of reddit as yet.
I do need to learn to mod here…
Amen to that! I’m not a super prolific poster here either, but compared to reddit I’m WAY more active, and it feels mre fun too. In 15 years on reddit I have only made 2 threads as far as I can remember, but on Lemmy (and Squabbles) I’ve been sharing my house plants recently and it feels great!
Yes, the community is much smaller, but also much kinder,and I the average age feels higher here too (I have zero data on it, but just judging by the writing style it feels like there’s a whole bunch of people roughly my age (40+) around these parts).
Yeah I definitely have the tendency to over estimate how old the people I’m talking to online are, but I agree that everyone here feels more like an adult lol
Quality over quantity everytime for me.
On top of that, I feel far more incentive to comment, upvote, and just generally engage here.
Overall this feels like a less hostile environment, without the clickish groupthink that had an army of bots or trolls out to downvote you.
People have mentioned the higher complexity of getting set up on instances as a barrier to entry for the masses. I say wonderful. I’ll take a small community of diverse, engaged people over the mobs of span, trolls, and parrots.
Leaving reddit for lemmy feels like finding a nice person who cares after being in along abusive relationship. Never realised how bad it was, or how good it could be.
Is it temporary? Who knows, but I’d rather spend my time making this into what I want then ever looking back.
Yeah, it’s nice to feel like I’m contributing something as opposed to trying to muscle my way into a conversation that doesn’t need 10,000 of the people who are commenting, commenting.
“This!” - 1.4k votes
[Exact same comment being parroted, but with a much more extreme fervor about killing people who disagree] - 600 votes
“Wait. That’s not even what the article says. We shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions.” - “You have been permanently banned from large subreddit.”
That’s an interesting POV I hadn’t really considered before. I’ll probably go to Reddit when I need some kind of niche info on something, but stick to Lemmy for just discussion and general time killing, which was my main use for Reddit anyway.
It’s a shame how shabbily reddit’s board and u/spez (and his lackeys) have treated reddit’s users and mods. They benefited enormously from free content and hours of unpaid moderation, yet they chose to throw it all away.
This screams “Please stop this and go back to doing work for free.” They keep threatening but know they need the free labor.
Exactly. And it’s driving me crazy how many mods are caving. Like, I get that you care about the community and want it to continue on, but will it even be the same now that you know how little control you actually have? Will it survive the next insane, profit driven decision Reddit makes and refuses to negotiate on? Just rip the band-aid off now like /r/interestingasfuck and others did and let them remove you. We’ve seen that they can’t actually replace what was lost, so let them try.
but will it even be the same now that you know how little control you actually have?
Some communities weren’t even the same anymore after those 48h protests. And you can basically feel which parts of the community instantly left the moment they realized all that talk about protesting was bullshit and it was purely symbolic.
“But if I lose my fragile grip on this iota of power, I’ll have nothing, and I’ll BE nothing. I can’t start over again from nothing!”
I strongly believe that that is exactly what is subconsciously going on there. The human mind is addicted to power, no matter which form.
I never really thought about it but I totally see which mods were actually protesting and which mods used it to “protest” and add some spice to their mundane non-medieval memes
Power over something is appealing to humans. I notice it in myself as well.
If you look around in general, at all different human communities and situations, you will see how it manifests itself almost everywhere. In the government bureaucrat that lets someone wait just because they can. In the child that takes another child’s toy even though they don’t even want to play with it themselves. In the teenager that participates in mobbing. In the owner that overly scolds their pet. In the politician that doesn’t have any values and just says whatever is necessary to get votes. In the parent that tries to make their child behave in a certain way. In the boss that micro manages their employees. In the community moderator that can ban anyone they please.
I could keep going.
Power is a means, but it is very often also just an end. I think it’s really important to be aware of that, because power just for power’s sake is imo one of the most dangerous state of minds one can have.
Oh yeah I probably didn’t articulate my point well enough because I need more coffee but for better or worse power is… well… empowering and there’s both good and bad examples of this. I also think some of the users were too defeatists about it saying we can’t change anything and to that I say, “it’s not about the
moneychanging stuff, it’s about sending a message”. But when that message is r/memes going “oh unm ok we’re gonna protest by making all our memes medieval TAKE THAT REDDIT!! Please don’t remove us.”Looking back I saw which mods used their power for the better to drive a community they cared about and which were more in it for the power
Using a game I play r/planetside may not be the best example but it’s a decently niche game. By indefinitely blacking out our toxic little echo chamber ultimately had a ton to lose and very little to gain given the odds of protests succeeding. Given how our community wasn’t massive I’d bet it’s still blacked out. But despite us always flaming each other and developers I think the mods cared becuase they didn’t cave on their community and go “post planetside but add a cat to the corner that’ll show Reddit how mad we are”, no, they shut down and I’m still looking for a stable planetside community but they stuck to their guns
I kinda went on a rant and forgot my point was so I’m just gonna end here
Them replacing mods is what scares me the most. My subreddit is for advice for stretching piercings. If I continued to protest or even outright deleted my subreddit, and they restored it and replaced the mod team, what quality of moderating should I expect? Like I get it on meme subs, not hard to moderate that sort of content. But I know damn well they aren’t going to get people with experience relative to the more specific subs.
I get that, and respect it very much. You care about others and the community you’ve helped create. But Reddit is now actively exploiting that care for their own profit. Reddit draws value from your community and the advice it offers others. If that advice is poor then yes, people will suffer, but that’s on Reddit for allowing this all to happen how it has, not you.
You can never delete a subreddit once created. Ever. That’s why many are editing, then deleting, their comments.
The best you can do is to create a community on Lemmy and invite your redditors to the new community.
That’s where we are now, the migration has begun. But now, I’m stuck with a foot on each boat while I spread the word.
If Reddit goes down, what articles will pcmag decide to write about then?
And what will people post on lemmy about?
I mean sure posts about Reddit makes us seem like the bitter ex, but they are to be expected, since it’s the only thing all Lemmy users have in common: Being ex-Redditors. It will stop naturally with time.
Although, on Reddit we were always talking about musk and Twitter. Dumpster fires when the AIC (asshole in charge) deserves the harm coming to their profits and their website, it’s newsworthy and juicy content.
Although I do agree that it will slow to a trickle and then eventually stop. Not because the content stops being interesting to us, but because reffit will ultimately probably win in the end, they’re IPO will be profitable, they’ll continue down this enshittification road until FB make a Reddit competitor and then everyone that didn’t care about the API thing because they were too busy watching reruns of the Big Bang theory will move there. It’s the circle of tech life, eventually fb will own the internet
Though if Twitter goes under, I’m sure Facebook will have a hard time explaining why they aren’t a monopoly. That has been taken seriously before.
Has it? In the last 30 years? White collar/corporate malfeasance enforcement has dropped like a fucking landslide in the 21st century.
@MarcellusDrum @Polydextrous Except that FB and Twitter technically occupy different markets
It was the same with Digg on reddit back in the day. Like you say, it’ll die down.
The Reddit thing is also extremely interesting to follow and is absolutely newsworthy.
Lemmy is already busy complaining about meta
Don’t worry we’ll find something
I found a cool rock while I was on a walk this week edit: my dudes you’re going to have to give me time to go back there it was a pretty big rock
B.S., I demand a picture.
I second this, you can’t just claim that you found a cool rock without proving said rock is cool.
I, too, wish to see the alleged rock.
Alleged rock or allegedly cool rock? IOW, are you questioning the rock’s coolness or its existence? Both are valid.
Both! If it exists I’m sure it’s cool
He’s holding out content, let’s get him!
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Post the rock. Please I need it
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using an URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !geology@mander.xyz
good bot
Just leaving additional peer pressure here. WE WANT PICS!
Hilarious! You gotta admit though, it’s kind of like Watching Pawn Stars on the History Channel. Like wtf is this?
Elon and Mark.
Beans, apparently.
Probably things posted here, except they’ll have some trouble sorting out the instancing stuff at first
I got quotes by a PC gamer article after commenting about a random , obscure battlefield rip off was announced for steam a couple of months ago.
I was very surprised upon finding it after a username google.
Thanks….I guess?! My comment was just a random nothing burger (well what’s changed there). Well done ‘journalists’!
They can always rely on AI-written shitpost articles.
RIP EmKay videos lol
reddit is transforming itself from a social media platform into a history lesson at this point. I’d say don’t feel guilty if you still browse reddit at all, but don’t be shocked when it’s gone either.
the attitude and behavior of the company towards the community is what’s going to finish it off more than anything.
there’s so other ways they could’ve monetized reddit without causing all this, but they seem hell bent on being obtuse. to that, i shrug and move on.
I’m disappointed how few subreddits are daring to call their bluff, or put their full weight behind migrating. It’s clear they actually aren’t able to replace moderators that easily.
r/interestingasfuck still doesn’t have moderators. It’s been closed for 18 days now.
not so easily to find free labor when you bully them right u/spez
Seriously. I never want to hear how hard it is to mod a subreddit with existing mod tools again. They’ve rolled over for spez (which is their right) and they don’t get to complain about it anymore.
It’s for the reason you names that I’m extra disappointed in the mods that “stepped up”.
“We are now stuck in a difficult position as we do not want the community to die”
Feels to me like they dug their own grave and now complain that the user’s are problem.
What are they expecting after they remove moderators and remove the nsfw status? That the users keep posting? They aren’t dumb and I could imagine that some or most people will probably stop posting there.
They think people are there because they love the site. They forgot they love the site because of the content and community. Reddit management dug their grave and jumped in it.
There is a whole set of users who apparently think the mods are in the wrong and that Reddit is right. Whether these are real users, and not armies of bots using ChatGPT to generate content, is up for debate. (But they’re definitely bots lol)
I very much fear there’s a lot of real people. Ones that act like asses and get banned from dozens of subs, then complain about mods being dictators or something. Others who think anyone can be a mod and they’re throwing a “”“temper tantrum”””. Others that think it’s just about losing apps with no ads.
It’s full of people who don’t understand, and don’t want to understand the extent of the problem, and I really doubt it’s all AI unless they’re actively giving prompts like “make a comment against the protest, but in the most entitled way possible”.
Honest question: Where are these people? I’ve never seen someone go to bat for Reddit the way you describe.
I’ve mostly seen it in r/ModCoord, where a lot of discussion around Reddit protests goes down. Lately I think the mods there have been trying to stop it, but it definitely shows. These are the ones I assume are bots, or at least some of them, judging by the way they argue.
The other random place I saw it was r/PokemonROMHacks when it reopened. People there were super critical of the mods, and I think it’s mostly because they aren’t users who normally use reddit and are only there to try to download and troubleshoot Pokemon hacks. To them, the mods making the sub private seemed incredibly selfish.
Some people I seen against the protests weren’t mods but users who like it’s futile and use the official app
For me I would agree with them but for me Apollo had a good thing going and all the lying and fun stuff whether it’s true or not is what drove me away
The admins were also deleting comments. I had at least a few disappear without explanation or notice. Could be many more, I have no way of even knowing.
Generic moderators on lemmy can also delete comments without us getting an alert or information about who did it. Hard to challenge things like this, but at least we can check the modlog. You would only know its deleted because you check the thread where you posted it(unless I’m mistaken).
Pretty sure that quote was from the mods of that subreddit, not the reddit admins.
Why? Why would you want something you love to continue to exist on a platform that sees you as nothing more than free labor.
People are wayyyy to attached to thier social media identies… I’m like a rat on a ship… any signs of trouble I’m overboard to the next vessel.
I understand the veterans subreddit. While I never went to that sub, I assume it’s a good place for veterans to come and help and support each other.
But the others like Pics or TIHI etc…yeah I’m with you on that.
Oh no, people are quite dumb. There’s a lot still that are unaware or just don’t care about the drama. I’d wager those people are the ones still on Reddit.
How does that make them dumb? If anything, the fact that they’re indifferent to it just means they have other priorities in life.
TPA users were like 3% of the site, dude.
What are they expecting after they remove moderators and remove the nsfw status? That the users keep posting?
Seems like they’re thinking exactly that. However, I expect many communities (especially niche communities) to revolt and start spamming unrelated content and straight up porn (or worse – gore). The current mechanism is to replace the mods with supermods (aka the ones who moderate over 100 communities or something) but I wonder if they will be able to effectively moderate that shit without going private.
It’s quite hard to guess what will damage reddit the most. I hope that many niche communities collapse and migrate, but the issue also lies in mainstream communities. One thing is NonCredibleDefence moving. Another thing is stuff like r/manga (which went for a blackout but didn’t do much beside it).
Lemmy is good, I hope more people move here, but so far it’s gonna be reliant on migrants from reddit and possibly twitter, which is not exactly a good plan
I swear I’ve read headlines about how it’s their “last warning” for days now.
I salute the mods still holding out, but as far as reddit goes, stick a fork in it…
or else what? They’ll bring in paid moderators to do an actual job?
There’s idiots lining up out the door to get a taste of fake power.
The quality of the work is not going go be the same though…
Do they care, though?
I mean, they will when those same powertripping mods begin banning over petty things. That’s how you get people to move from subreddits / Reddit.
That has always happened in Reddit. Nothing new.
That would invalidate their position as “we’re just a platform and not liable for the things our users post”. They’d have to take responsibility then and I’m not sure they’ve got the resources for that.
Reddit admins writing warning letters like I title project files. lastlastLASTFINAL-v1.3forreal.doc warning
What no proper version control does to a mfer.
What no proper version control does to a mfer(2)
What no proper version control does to a mfer(2)new
What no proper version control does to a mfer(2)newer
What no proper version control does to a mfer(2)newer.final
What no proper version control does to a mfer(2)newer.final.fantasy
What no proper version control does to a Copy of mfer(2)newer.final.fantasy (1).bak
Fuck Reddit
You rang?
The return of beetlejuicing
yeee Fuck Reddit
I’d give you some type of award, but I dont think thats been established yet. Take some silver?
🍋 It’s a lemmy
Just keeping you in your toes.
I wouldn’t fuck reddit even with someone else’s dick
Its practically necrophillia at this point
“This is your final warning, please migrate to FOSS platforms”
It’s amazing how fast Reddit went from my favorite place to be online to a trash heap
TBH I Don’t care about reddit now, I’m more into lemmy or squabble now. If its user base grows or declines I Don’t care, I’m out of reddit and I’m not going back.
Yeah after getting used to the not-totally-assholes community of lemmy I’m not going back to reddit. The community there kinda sucks
You have been banned from [random large subreddit] for pointing out something that threatens the hivemind POV.
Honestly, that was my biggest problem with the community. Granted, that’s great when someone is being a genuine asshole, but over the last decade or so, it has become a little ridiculous.
Honestly stopped caring about Reddit years ago. Mostly just used it to keep up to date on game releases. As long as I have a community-ran source for gaming news, I’m pretty happy.
Reddit are past the point of no return for me. They could reverse all their API changes but I’m not going back. They’ve show their true colours.