Israelis hijacking and blocking aides to Gaza
Houthis blocking shipment of my treats
What’s that that chuds always say? That if someone blocks the road they’d rather just floor it no matter what happens?
Those Israelis are like Americans. They likely have guns and will shoot blindly and kill everybody around them
A fair number probably are Americans
I remember seeing this shit a while ago and they’re treating it like a fucking festival, and bringing their children to celebrate the deliberate starvation of an ethnic group. These people deserve to have the aid trucks run them over but alas, they’re using their children as human shields.
Well you see they didn’t personally physically kill anyone themselves with their own two hands, and if they did, it was OK because they were on duty at the time
Also, there’s no camps, trains, funny mustaches, Hugo boss uniforms, esoteric occultism…
It has to be a play by play remake of Nazis or it’s not a genocide.
Remember when Maduro didn’t let aid into the country and all the hawks called for invasion?
(nevermind that it was aid from US Military planes, sent by John Bolton, the man who sent arms disguised as aid to CONTRAS to overthrow a left wing government… and pay no attention to the fact that they chose a closed bridge to deliver it over, when there were two open and working bridges a few miles away)
Not only that. I recall there was a system for delivering aid the US chose to ignore. Russia got aid in just fine. It painted the picture for me like it was undoubtedly some kind of bullshit plan
it’s honestly unreal how just one image can sum up almost everything in this evil world
Death to America
It lacks the local and cultural characteristics of terrorism. This is just a sparkling protest.
See this is why I fundamentally believe they can’t be rehabilitated; none of these people are redeemable and the whole nation is like that
I’m the first person to shit on Israelis, but I have met ppl who have fled conscription. I know they’re a rarity, but they do exist.
Gotta respect that one Twitter Swiftie who went to jail over their refusal to serve
Statistically speaking tho, I’m right.
I dunno…the company I work for has a Tel Aviv office and there’s an Israeli on my team. We are always talking about this shit, how disgusting it is, how he got a black eye at the last protest for daring to call Muslims people, etc etc.
There is a large amount of fascists in Israel - it is a European colonial state after all - but painting everyone with the same brush is not it, especially people that were born there and are trying to make it better for everyone. Like any large group, they are not homogenous and portraying any group as homogenously evil is dangerous to the extreme.
I’d suggest reading some of the “New Historians” to get a sense of the wide range of people that live in the colony known as Israel. Ilan Pappe is a good place to start imo.
(Edit: spelling)
Statistically speaking there probably isn’t a nicer country if you were going to do a Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
I would honestly assume they are all fascist until proven otherwise.
Nobody can be rehabilitated when it comes to ideology. We need to be “egg snatchers” and indoctrinate their children.
Why press the brakes? Drive right on through
Because most human beings have decency, unlike these shitters who block humanitarian aides
Death to America