US Senator Lindsey Graham insisted in a TV interview that Israel should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza, where more than 2 million Palestinian civilians, includin...
Apparently the Reagan admin was surprised, after the cccp was destroyed, to find that the Soviets actually believed things the president of the us said in public regarding us foreign policy. I guess it just never occured to a bunch of petit boug christian fascist frauds that anyone would actually believe public statements from politicians.
Doest this man under the implications of what he is suggesting?
He’s probably posturing but who even knows with Graham? There aren’t words for someone whose role in society is as corossive as that man.
Trouble is, he might be …but some daft arse will take it seriously.
Apparently the Reagan admin was surprised, after the cccp was destroyed, to find that the Soviets actually believed things the president of the us said in public regarding us foreign policy. I guess it just never occured to a bunch of petit boug christian fascist frauds that anyone would actually believe public statements from politicians.
He has said stuff on TV nearly as bad as this before. I believe he’s advocated for nuking Iran. He’s one of the worst neocons in Washington.