I’m from in Belgium, and have colleagues from countries from both sides of the second world war. The carpet bombing of cities is still talked about every now and then. It’s still remembered as one of the worst tragedies during that war (apart from the obvious), and the scars it left in many family trees still pain the people to this day.
Hearing stories from Gaza and the Donbas always remind me of the stories I used to hear from my grandfather, and I believed we left those war tactics behind in the last century. It’s absolutely insane hearing an allied country to ours debating using those tactics again.
Casually arguing for breaking the taboo on using nuclear weapons.
Forget Gaza, this is how human civilization ends.
We have been saying that Israel is a moral and legal hazard to the entire world as it rallied its allies to throw out all resemblance of a rule based international order recognizing such basic human rights like not being slaughtered and having access to basic food, water and medicine.
rule based international order
What Israel is doing is exactly in line with a “Rule Based International Order”, because the term itself was coined to sound like “a system of international law” while actually meaning “unilateral rule by a hegemon, who, along with its vessels, get to do as they please.”
Imagine how much better the world would be if there was just a simple process of psychological screening for would-be politicians, and psychopaths were barred from holding office.
There should also be a limit on how stupid they’re allowed to be.
At this rate we’d have no politicians!
How is it even legal to call for the murder of so many people using one of the most atrocious weapons humanity has invented…but if one were to suggest to apply a guillotine to this person for doing so, they would be in severe legal trouble?
“So when we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl Harbor…"
The US was never faced with destruction during World War II.
Obviously you haven’t seen that fine documentary The Man in the High Castle.
This should disqualify him from ever holding office again. I know it won’t, but it should.
Ahh yes, dropping nuclear weapons right next door, risking fallout in your own territory and pissing off every country around you, as well as all your allies. Why not?
How dare you question the blinding brilliance that is Lindsey? I’m sure his masterplan accounts for things like inciting a global nuclear war with some clever solution that isn’t just waiting it out in a congressional bunker with all his cowardly friends while we all die horribly, right?
Where did they find this absolute muppet? Does he not even know what fallout is?
Let’s drop Lindsey Graham on Gaza instead of a nuke.
Haven’t Palestinians been through enough? You’d make them clean up Lyndsey Graham, too?