I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently I’ve given up and created a few accounts across different apps again. It’s unreal how strict the requirements are now.
- Give e-mail (ok)
- Give phone number (… eeh, ok)
- Use the new account for a while
- Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi). There are also some verification promps where you have to record a video and rotate your face left to right
If this isn’t a message to move to indie web I don’t know what is
Yeah. I used to have fake facebook account because i got hooked on one of those mmorpg games. IDK what happened but something did and my account got suspended and FB requested me to upload my face and government ID. Yeah fuck that, uploaded some NSFW images and my account got deleted. Worth it.
I used a fake name on Facebook and one day I similarly got suspended asking for government ID. So I photoshopped some fake ID with the fake name, printed it, put it in a plastic sleeve and took a photo of that, and they accepted it.
Yet all those Instagram bots still exist. Weird
How did you get in contact with them? They locked my account 2 months ago for unknown reasons.
Maybe for app banking app (and even…), it could be understanding but for instagram, NEVER! Even for security reason… Bro they don’t care about anything on their network, allow soft porn and all that kind of stuff. And after all of that they are going to come to say that it is for security reasons 😂 Stay on the “libre” web, Lemmy is a great start! 👌
Yeah I’ve only done it on government websites because I had to
And government website already know who you are
They didn’t delete your account. They deactivated it. It’s still worth money to them
Follow up message be like
“Hi this is mark from instagram, so a face scan wasnt enough to verify your account. We sent you vials to fill with your dna, so we can be 100% sure.just to verify that you are who you say you are thanks!.”
I’ve had that a few times on my accounts (I scrape content so they get suspended relatively often) and I always just grab a photo from thispersondoesnotexist.com and crop out the watermark. It hasn’t failed me yet.
Do you have a good recommendation for when they ask for a photo ID? I read about OnlyFake, but its down and I can’t find an alternative.
Basically I want thisIDdoesnotexist
I’ve never had them ask for a photo ID so idk.
I know you can get ID deets here, but I don’t know any service that turns it into a facsimile of a state ID card.
Yeah basically that plus thispersondoesnotexist thrown into a Photoshop template rendered as a photo on a floor carpet with AI
Edit: I found https://verif.tools but some of them don’t look very good.
deleted by creator
I’ve been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently
I doubt that they have uploaded any kind of photos
deleted by creator
You’re right, I misunderstood it
They want to be able to make sure they’re stealing data from real people and also ensure that your real life offline can be destroyed at any time lol
I mean, they know they’re stealingg it from a real person, and no matter how careful you are, they’re tracking you.
Even if you don’t have a profile, they have a “you shaped hole” and someone somewhere has tagged you in a picture. They still have data on you built from people in any picture you were tagged in, their data gets extrapolated to you.
The ID is so they can sell the data for a higher price because it’s “verified” to be yours. Even tho without it they still 100% know it’s you.
This isn’t about Facebook getting your ID, it’s just so the people they’ll selling it to pay more.
There’s a chance a human never looked at OPs Shrek picture, an AI may have just checked it against real name tagged photos and it didn’t match. Even tho OP doesn’t have a Facebook account under their real name.
Facebook still knows what OP looks like, and almost assuredly knew the burner account was theirs
Yep, Ghost Profiles.
Though I’d live to see what they think they have on me.
I’m old enough to well pre-date digital cameras, and of the photos I know I’m in, those people are unlikely to have uploaded pics (very few of those photos are with phones, and those people don’t share online with others much anyway).
Genuinely very curious, since I’m such an outlier - it would be really insightful as to how effective FB is at piecing disparate and tiny elements, including the tracking pixels, etc.
I’ve never intentionally even been to the FB website - the first time a college kid in the family talked about it, I knew it was bad news, but couldn’t convince them.
Maybe I’ll spin up a Linux machine off of usb, fire up a VPN, hit FB and see what I can find. I’m kind of curious now.
remember that your searches for yourself feed them data too