An immediate vote might be a win. A months away vote is a defeat for the student movement here.
It also gives the opps more time to stage some shit which will compel the school to seize negotiations on grounds of “bad faith”
Full agree that if they had actually gotten a vote within the next week, that is an acceptable outcome.
This is horseshit and they’re gonna fuck around and find out.
Damn these mfers got that ivy league education…
And they’re about to find out what having an Ivy League education is all about.
The average person is conflict avoidant and terrible at negotiating. In general life, this is even a virtue. But it’s bad for revolutions. Get more comfortable being stubborn, people
Bonus points: practice on your boss
Tsarists, Russia 1917: “Hey, just delay the revolution a bit. We’ll get better :(”
Lenin: Nah.
Thank God, it’s finally a beneficial use for this personality trait of mine
ODD kids will lead the revolution
What amuses me the most is that libs would get mad if they saw this thread.
Y’all don’t understand how things work. Don’t be naïve. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Etc etc fucking etc
I’m not one for inspecting people’s language choices and I’m not even from the US, so I don’t have a dog in this race… but goddamn, libs using y’all annoys me to no end
Edit: I should have been clearer here. There’s lots of varieties of US English which use y’all and that’s obviously natural, it’s just that I’ve seen lots of wannabe DC staffer coastal lib types using it in a way that feels kinda condescending and annoying
I grew up in the in the SF Bay Area and at the time when I was a kid to me Marin county was the most “typical” place in California. By “typical” I mean liberal. That was a million years ago back then politics was purely adult stuff. Kids never bothered with and didn’t give a crap about.
Now - many decades later - when I’m trying to get the voice right of the most liberal person possible - I try to imagine what a wine mom (Or a wine dad. A beer dad?) in a house costing many millions would say on the net as she sipped a $300 wine. Of course - nobody in Marin is going to use y’all in speech. It’s as foreign to them as talking to an actual leftist.
Y’all in rich white lib online usage is a patronizing “folksy” word to get the moronic hoi polloi to understand the realities of politics in the real world. Compromise must be the order of the day because blah blah blah blah blah…
Ninja edit
I error checked my humor format - haha. I haven’t lived in California for decades. I wanted to see how rich Marin County actually is. Yeap - I’ll keep my Marin country wine mom for reference.
10 Richest Counties in California (2023) | PropertyClub
- Santa Clara County
- San Mateo County
- Marin County
- San Francisco County
- Alameda County
- Contra Costa County
- Orange County
- Placer County
- Napa County
- Santa Cruz County
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Yeah! What drives me nuts is that some libs like using it as a kind of folksy affectation, but I might be reading too much into it
I get ya, funny enough, I feel the same way about “folks”. Maybe we just need to start saying “Comrade” publicly instead.
Maybe we just need to start saying “Comrade” publicly instead.
You should have seen the labour party conferences (televised) during Corbyn’s party leadership.
Here’s a supercut
Comm raids
I’m more partial to comm rads but /shrug
I keep seeing y’all discourse. I grew up in the south and the word is used by everyone as part of the typical dialect. Maybe it’s an affectation in some parts of the country but it’s just a normal word where I’m from.
That’s because you’re from the South and Southern American English and Appalachian English are the two biggest dialects that normally use y’all.
“tHiS Is PrOgRrEsS”
you can’t just say where your money is spent!
And then the uni will vote against divestment…
Guillible fools.
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I did that as a book club a couple months ago. It is an amazing book, more ppl need to read.
admittedly, end of the school year means they only have so much leverage for so long. But this seems like a paper “win” just to make people feel better and send them home without getting arrested. I think this is the tactic most schools are using “oh well admin can’t do this unilaterally we have to go to xyz board/committee with it” and then the students stand down with just a handshake promise that they’ll propose it at the next meeting. On paper, it seems miles better than what they’ve ever gotten before (the lead organizers of these events have mostly all been involved before oct 7th and gotten used to being shut down and ignored,) and if they can get amnesty from reprisals/prosecution to boot…
Honestly I don’t know what the right answer is though (this ain’t it obviously, but still), they only have so much support, and the supporters are only willing to take so much risk, especially seems to be more of a thing at smaller schools with less eyes on them. Basically any city in the country has enough swat teams and riot cops they can call in to clear something like this unless mayyyybe if the group was very organized, militant, and dug in. The reason they don’t is optics but the harder the students push, the easier it gets to just paint them as violent rioters or whatever and come in and mass arrest, which with how disciplined cops are would probably turn into another kent state. Just staying indefinitely doesn’t work because kids leave for the summer, and once the numbers wane its a lot easier to just come in and sweep them.
(At the vote in 5 most months) That was an amazing speach sweaty, but unfortunately there’s just nothing we can do, we just have to support genocide
students of brown university, you are the weakest link
Come Octoberthey will get a seat on a committee preparing the vote. After eight months of deliberations a vote is held whether or not to endorse a petition to the board to divest from companies without a CSR policy. The vote will pass and the board will consider the petition but will ultimately reject it due to legal advice about their fiduciary responsibility for the endowment and the risk of antisemitism suits of a zionism-related company is divested from.
Never trust Liberals on anything
Reminds me of that Malcolm X quote about smiling foxes
Never let the opposition delay elections.
Trueanon Rules Broken, prepare for consequences.
If these dumbasses get in a helicopter, stalin help them.
All the institutions in the US/allies nearly instantaneously divested from all Russian-related ventures immediately upon Russian military entering Ukrainian territories
The only reason for a delay is to let the “passions” of this moment fade and then simply vote it down in October. If there was an actual intention to divest, they could hold a vote this week, next week, first week of June… October is incredibly far off and there can’t be justification for it.
I think it’s good that they are at least agreeing to think about/talk about it, but ultimately this is now a non-negotiable topic and I don’t think the boomers have realized it yet. Israel must be shut off from the world economically and all the sanctions that liberals drooled over for Russia placed on Israel… immediately. At least until they end (not agree to talk about, but actually end it) their apartheid system, tear down that wall around Gaza, allow a Palestinian state which is connected, and of course end all current and future illegal military aggression against Palestine, end the illegal embargo.
Wow cool, maybe some Palestinian children might still be alive by October!
We all have to learn sometime. 🙄
Hopefully they do learn, and aren’t just distracted by the next spectacle by then. I have a feeling there’s going to be something in the news between now and October that is treated as the most pressing issue of our time as a last minute hail mary attempt by the dems to win over voters.