Hi there!

So I am looking to buy a new TV, but the latest smart-TVs all seem to be very bloated with ads and other ridiculous and unnecessary features. I know very little about TVs, and therefore wondering if anyone has any tips on some good TVs that include as little bloat as possible.

Thanks for any recommendations or tips!

    • InvaderDJ@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Considering how much it costs, that sucks. You might be able to replace the launcher, I did that with the built in Google TV interface on my Sony TV for a while. The only problem is that it wasn’t reliable and somehow ran slower, even though it had no ads.

      The Apple TV has ads in the TV app, but I never use it since so many services don’t integrate with it. I also just don’t find the concept that useful. I don’t need all my services available in one app. I’m fine with just having a grid of apps I jump between.