There are so many amazing indie games out there, but some of them stand out as must-play experiences. What are your favorite indie games of all time?
I would say Hades.
The gameplay loop, the art direction and the story are all very good.Gone Home.
Most of Pokemon fan games (my boyfriend loves fangames)
Subnautica. One of the best experiences I’ve had in gaming.
Outer Wilds. One of the most creative and thought-provoking games I’ve played. Definitely go into this one knowing as little as possible about it.
Hollow Knight also deserves a spot here, but personally I preferred Salt and Sanctuary.
Stardew Valley
FTL, Into the Breach, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Banished
Gris. Gorgeous visuals and stress-free gameplay
Not incredibly long either
Shovel Knight + DLC, what a fantastic MegaMan clone!!!
The games that stuck with me are (in no special order) Paradise Killer, Sable, Disco Elysium, Gris and of course What remains of Edith Finch.
The Legend of Grimrock 1 and 2 (I’ve convinced 0 people to try these)
I loved LoG, the 1st one even more than the 2nd.
There are a lot I’d recommend, but I think the only must-play for me is Cave Story.
When I was growing up, Cave Story was like the paragon of games as art, and was a major inspiration behind me making games as a hobby and getting into software development professionally. Cave Story was made by a single talented auteur, not for profit, and released for free. And it was as good as Metroid and Mario, or maybe even better. It proved to everyone that such a thing was even possible.
I think the only indie game that could possibly compete with Cave Story for the title of “most influential” would be Minecraft. Though Minecraft should probably be disqualified from that title for having sold out to Microsoft as soon as it started to get big…
The original Cave Story is truly a piece of art. I could not believe back then how good this game is that was created by a single person. He did everything. In an Interview Pixel(?) said that he learned composing music while creating the game. He had no knowledge in that field and just tried and stocked to what sounded nice to him. He created one of the most memorable soundtracks I ever heard! What an unbelievable talented and creative person. So inspiring!