Its Friday, and its looking like another hot one for most.
Come and have a chat, make us all jealous with your interesting weekend plans, or just let us know: what’s your best elevenses snack
Good god I hope you’ve all had a better start to the day than me!
Hardly any sleep, and I’m not a morning person even at the best of times, and also my hands don’t generally work right for about half an hour after I wake up.
So naturally I went to get an emergency cuppa, only to find the teabag thing needs refilling. No worries, there’s an unopened box of Yorkshire in the cupboard. But my stupid hands just would not work, I’m stood there sort of ineffectually pawing at the sealed edges of the plastic for about two whole minutes getting increasingly annoyed and swearing at it out loud…and then I realise there’s one of those easy open strip things that you just have to pull.
FML. I’ve never been more grateful for half day Fridays.
I can imagine the panic at the sealed, unreachable tea. Not a good start to the day!
“and then I realise there’s one of those easy open strip things that you just have to pull.“
Nothing quite like the realisation you’re being a plonker to start the day! Half day sounds a really good shout to be honest, I might just join you in that.
Deep breaths. You can do this. It’s almost the weekend.
My wife booked tickets to see Blur at Wembley this weekend as an early birthday present so pretty stoked about that! The Selecter are supporting which will be pretty awesome as well
I recently saw Pauline Black and Arthur Hendrickson do a four song set as part of Jools Holland’s Big Band. Fantastic energy, got the crowd dancing 😄
She’s so good. Can’t wait to see her live
I feel like I’d rather see The Selector than Blur… but hey, I get so see neither and you get to see both, so enjoy!
I know it’s a win win - just been told Paul Weller is also supporting so I’ll just have a little nap for that bit 😛
Sounds fun!
Bo’ Selecta!
Because I live the life of an international rock star, this weekend will be spent setting up and configuring a VPS that I personally won’t be benefitting from in any way.
Best elevenses snack is clearly a Tunnocks tea cake.
Ooh seconded! When I was back home last month I was able to procure a dark chocolate variety and am very much looking forward to enjoying them.
My baby girl’s 30 on Sunday and we’re off to a Sunday pub lunch. Elevenses? A box of Ritz minis with me coffee
what’s your best elevenses snack
Dunno if it’s my ‘best’, but I’ve just polished off a cornetto and it was delicious.
We’re rolling into the weekend looking like it’s going to be a busy one, with trips to various farms, ice-cream parlours and riverside walks.
All I want is a 12 hour kip and a greasy meal when I wake from it.
Greasy meal, followed by ice cream?
Had to get up early to take my partner to the podiatrists and then do some shopping. On the plus side, I bought so nice German Lidl sausages and buns so hot dogs for dinner!
Happy Friday folks!
Got my niece coming up tomorrow night to celebrate her graduation and have a drink.
Kinda dreading it because my wife likes a blowout every now and again and that usually involves a bit of coke. I had a disgustingly bad coke habit up until March 12th of 2021, when I came clean to her and with her support kicked that habit to fuck.
That’s my issue though, and just because I had problems doesn’t mean she isn’t entitled to a big blowout once or twice a year, but she gets all weird as if she’s tempting me or being a bad wife or some shit.
Try your best to have a good time in spite of it? Not ideal like, but I know the type of person who doesn’t want their personal decisions to impact anyone else having a good time.
If you compared it to drinking or green, I would probably not if my friend told me he had packed it in. Half of doing something like that with someone is the fun of doing it together.
Cheers mate - and that’s exactly my mindset tae tbh. She deserves a blow out every once in a while and shouldn’t have to stress just because i let it get the better of me.
If it was all the time, then aye I’d be concerned, and I’d be a bit of a hypocrite even then, considering.
I’m looking forward to it!
Personally, if I had quit something terrible and addictive (big props to you), I would be pretty upset if my wife continued to do said terrible, addictive thing.
Oh shes done it maybe 3 or 4 times since I quit. That was her biggest concern also - the impact it would have on me, so we’ve discussed it loads and I assured her I’m completely fine with it.
I’ve experienced lows I’d never have even considered due to that shit, so there’s no chance of me slipping back into that lifestyle at all thankfully.
Firmly a Pepsi man now.
Pepsi max Cherry is top tier cherry cola tbh.
Sweet snack: jam doughnut. Savoury snack: butcher’s sausage roll.
This weekend we’re hosting a family barbeque, so of course its forecast to rain. Also collecting new glasses so will mostly be squinting a bit until I get used to them.
Also collecting new glasses so will mostly be squinting a bit until I get used to them.
Missed the chance to say “Also collecting new glasses so after that… we’ll see”
Thanks now I want a sausage roll…
I’ve already had a “fun” day. Awake at 5 and took my 8 week old for jabs, who is now grouchy! Time to start work too.
On the positive side I’m going camping tomorrow with the uni lads 😃
Finished work, nice easy shift. Had a couple of beers now off to bed to sweat my bollocks off.
RIP your bollocks
* waits for the ‘advice unclear’ posts *
It’s genuinely Baltic up here. And dreecht. Business as usual I guess.
TIL Dreich means damp, grey weather. A word that is commonly used to describe the Scottish weather has been named the “most iconic” Scots word.
Totally forgot to mention that this is me realising I’ve been spelling it wrong all ma days! Never seen it written down. Every day’s a school day!
It truly is a brilliant word, perfectly suits the conditions. Another favourite of mine is “dookit”.
Uh, good bot?
Beep boop.
I woke up before 6 to go to London today.
I am tired.
You heading down for anything exciting?
A lottt of surgeons talking for more than their allotted time.
Sounds delightful! Hopefully getting a per diem though? Last few years of my apprenticeship I was booking any course vaguely related to my role so could get down to London and eat in places I’d never even dreamed of as an ayrshire lad. So places with running water etc….
per diem
Yeah, the days covered thankfully. Was good and interesting, but my brain has been thoroughly scrambled.
Wish I could afford to eat out in central London ha.
It was nuts money back when I used to go, maybe 2018 was last time and that was with a fifty quid a day meal allowance. Never afford that on my own dime.
Oh no, nothing about that sounds fun! Roll on the weekend.