An epic dark fantasy world where the fate of the land is decided by the mighty Eikons and the Dominants who wield them. This is the tale of Clive Rosfield, a warrior granted the title “First Shield of Rosaria” and sworn to protect his younger brother Joshua, the dominant of the Phoenix. Before long, Clive will be caught up in a great tragedy and swear revenge on the Dark Eikon lfrit, a mysterious entity that brings calamity in its wake.

The game has now been out for 2 weeks, so let’s discuss the gameplay, story, experiences, and impressions!


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    2 years ago

    I went into blind as I do with most games, since I am not a fan of hype.

    And I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. While I can’t say that it is a great Final Fantasy Game, I can say it is a very good action adventure with a Final Fantasy skin. And also the best Final Fantasy game in over 20 years (not considering remakes and remasters and MMOs).

    I grew up with Final Fantasy and was in the camp of people that was fairly certain that FF is dead. So it was a nice surprise to experience a pretty good game in the FF franchise again.

    As for criticism, the combat does become repetitive and the mobs are far too tanky for my taste. Also some cutscenes are so far out that at times I thought I played Asuras Wrath 2. But all in all it was an enjoyable 40h or so.

      2 years ago

      Asuras Wrath always has a special place in my heart. So I guess that’s why I love those over the top and unnecessary long eikon battles lol. I do feel if people can view this game as a stand alone installment,it is a very solid action game with great world buildings and very good presentation for major plots (can’t say that for the sub missions). And I like IGN’s comparison, FF XVI is less RPG compared to GOW:R but it is has a way flashy action system and did more justice for giant creatures fighting each other. Ironically that’s what God of War used to be good for.

      2 years ago

      This is what I did. Beyond the initial announcement video I tried to stay as far away as possible, it was difficult but I managed. Hype is not something I’m interested either, there’s been far too many times where I’ve bought into it only to be disappointed. Realised it was my own doing in the end.

      Agreeing with a lot of what you’re saying here; is it the best Final Fantasy game? No. Is it the best in recent years? Probably. Mind you I did feel like there was a lot of life in FF and the main numbered series, but this just helps make me certain that there’s teams and people joining Square Enix who can keep it going.

    2 years ago

    I liked it at first, but I haven’t been able to finish it. The combat gets boring after a while. FF7R is much better.

      2 years ago

      I have problem with the combat as well. I think it’s a bit slow, i like more faster combat like in Nier Automata. And it’s lacks a bit of good magic options or since it’s a rpg, why not add element effectiveness to the game. I just want more nice movement options or something that let me change my gameplay acording to the enemy. Like this i just rotate through my skill while attacking an enemy and dodge if the enemy attacks.

      2 years ago

      I found the combat more interesting after taking off timely accessories and jumped on YouTube to learn more detailed combos. But agree 7R combat is more intricate and engaging simply for multiple character control.

    2 years ago

    I haven’t finished the game yet and that’s maybe a bad sign, because i have finished Final Fantasy 7 Remake in 5 days and have even played more crisis core. So what’s my problem. I was exited to get a new mainline Final Fantasy that got very good score, but when i played it i feel like it’s a bit bland or uninspiring. I think clive is fine, but the other characters are either boring or i just don’t like cid. Some quest feel like they are boring mmo fetch quest, the world is not to exiting and the battle system is a bit slow and lacks possibilities. I’m already sure, i like Final Fantasy 7 remake series way more and i won’t be a fan of this certain game, but i will finish this game for sure. The good thing are for sure the eikon battles in the game, not nessesarily because of the gamplay, but because it’s just exiting to see this flashy battles. And the boss battles are designed decently as well. This game slowly manage itself to build up momentum in the story, these moment are very good, but after that it falls of a cliff on exitement and we have to build it up again. At the moment i’m in a cliff and i have no motivation to climb up again. But that only my current opinion, still want to finish this game.

    2 years ago

    I like it very much (but I have a soft spot for FF, I even love FF XV despite its flaws).

    It has pacing issues tho. Especially in the final third of the game. The character arc sidequests are really good, the other sidequests are unremarkable. Crafting and equipment system is pretty bland (there is almost no reason to explore as things in treasure chests are usually crafting materials, which we would have much too many at the end of the game). The eikon system, I love it. So many possibilities to try and combo and find the eikon arrangements for your taste. Story is good, but sometimes I have a feeling that it is taking itself too seriously. Usually there is some funny jokes in FF games (Cloud for example dressing as a woman) but this game is so so dark. The voice acting of Clive is very good, but after some time I have a feeling that he’s Geralt of Rivia (brooding, deep voice with little happiness). I have to say, I am not that attached to Clive as I did to Noctis, and I’m in the final dungeon of the game.

    2 years ago

    Haven’t played the full game yet (low on $), but speeded through the demo. It was the best demo since FFXV demo, I haven’t felt emotionally attached to characters this fast in years, at least from the normal PS+ games

    2 years ago

    I absolutely hate the pacing of the side quests in this game. You get to a big story point in the main story line, then they drop a wave of side quests to pad the play time. And you better do them now, or you miss our on some decent items and equipment later because the quest is no longer available.

    I’m right at the end of the game and thought I finished up most side stuff only to have them drop freaking 12 side quests on me all at once. If wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t the most monotonous quests I’ve ever played. Is it even worth it to do these last quests?

    I am enjoying the story and the combat though. That’s what kept me going. But as much as I like it the low points are so ridiculously low specifically in some key areas that I usually associate with the final fantasy brand, which sucks.

    This game feels so lopsided, it’s bizarre.

      2 years ago

      Yea the side quests were a real shame. They were written well and about half had good, even great plotlines, but they all employ the same brain-dead, hand-holding mechanic of: go to person with green exclamation mark, go to spot with yellow exclamation mark, go back to the guy with the green exclamation mark. The older FFs had you discovering or chancing upon side quests on your own, by talking to people and exploring the map then figuring out where to go and what to do - that would have been so much better.

    • CosmicSploogeDrizzle@lemmy.worldOPM
      2 years ago

      Interesting, so are there missable quests? I usually don’t 100% any open world games as there always seems to be a bit of filler content. Are you going for the platinum?

        2 years ago

        Yeah, some of the side quests are continuations of previous side quests, so if you didn’t do the initial quest when it was available and something big in the story happens to change things, you’ll be locked out of the initial quest and the following quest won’t become available.

        I didn’t platinum. I got frustrated when I realized I sold a sword I needed to craft the best sword in the initial play through. So, fed up as I was, I just moved on to the final part of the game only to be way overpowered and have no difficulty in the final fights at all.

        6/10. I’ll probably play it again eventually, but it’ll be sitting on my shelf for years by that point. I always like to revisit final fantasy games after a few years, and if I did it for 15, I can totally manage to do it for 16.