I changed the link to be the updated CNN students protest page.
Will never be voting for a mainstream democrat, or really any democrat, ever again. Good job, Joe! Killed your own campaign so hard it’s making Hillary blush
They dont care, if for the next 100 years the libs lose, they dont care. They didnt care when you threatened the first time
Gonna be real weird in two weeks when the NYT goes back to covering how college campuses are uncomfortable with debate.
Black mayor. Black police chief. Woman governor. Democrats in control of basically everything. But vote blue no matter who. Fuck all that. Miss me with that bullshit.
I can’t even find a way to be snarky. Literally just pulling the ladder up with them. The oppressed transformed into tokens, doing the oppressors bidding.
We don’t think you fight fire with fire best ; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism.
- F. Hampton
Identity politics is all you get
It’s on CNN and MSNBC.
Pirate streams
You’ll need to use your adblockers and perform an exorcism. Also - the scrollbar might not work.
Hasan is covering it https://twitch.tv/hasanabi
He’s using a combination of protestor streams, WKCR (campus radio, which has people on the ground), CNN, and noteworthy videos on Twitter as they come out.
Made the mistake of trying to turn my phone to make it full screen, now the page won’t load lol
It’s probably an ad trying to load. The site code must be 90% ads.
Pretty great resource though for checking in what they’re broadcasting, thanks for the links. CNN is absolutely PUMPING the propaganda. Cooper just asked panelists a rhetorical question if they “see an issue with many of the protestors concealing their faces from police with hoodies and such”
see an issue with many of the protestors concealing their faces from police…
I missed “with hoodies and such”. I had to stop watching again exactly when got to “from police”. I’m old. I don’t want to give myself a rage heart attack. And now I have to make another effort not to fedpost.
Watching other people make the history books in real time, meanwhile, I’m just having another day at work. Wild
Uhhhh actually china is genociding hongkong taiwan tibet. Tiananmen square uhhhh. Vote blue. Any vote for anyone else means 0 rights. Uhhhh china russia iran no rights terrorism authoritarian.
you forgot freedom!!!
Oh shit yeah. I love freedumb 🫡
Lmao this is exactly what Nancy Pelosi said in her denture-slurred speech: “GO TO CHINA WHEA THA REAL GENACAHDE IS”
Profile page of a journalist at Bluesky - https://bsky.app/profile/joshuajfriedman.com
He’s posting updates every ~10 to ~15m.
A WKCR reporter says that there is an unconscious student protester on the ground in front of Hamilton Hall. […] WKCR also reports that NYPD is using tear gas.
So I take it that westerners will now and forever shut the fuck up about Tinyman square?
police killed dozens in the summer of 2020 including several vehicular murders and they didn’t shut the fuck up
Americans literally watched tanks roll down suburb streets in 2020. Liberals never will.
I’ll never forget the sight of the national guard in their armored cars backing up the pigs on my city’s main street in 2020. Fucking stormtroopers facing us down and people think we don’t live in a police state
I was just thinking about the little bit of protest ptsd I got from that year. The pigs bellowing “Move Back” before beating the shit out of people with batons, terrorizing them with “non-lethals,” and eventually kettling them in the middle of the street.
As far as indelible video, this takes the cake https://youtu.be/LozQg0oX-Gw?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
tracking link
Shhh (thanks)
I remember this video from Minneapolis of people standing on their porch and being yelled at and eventually shot at with paint for not being inside. 2020 was very mask off, but nothing stuck in peoples brains apparently.
Lol in 2020 there was national guard posted in the main protest area in my city that like clockwork came out at 8pm and gassed and arrested with the cops.
One time walking through I was tossing out some fuck yous to da troops and another protestor literally started yelling at me and my gf that “they are just doing their jobs and they don’t really want to be here and” blah blah blah. Literally had to remind them that the reason they themselves were leaving was because in 30 minutes they were coming to arrest everyone.
People will contort themselves into whatever position to lick the boot on their neck.
They won’t because they support the cops doing this.
I’m feeling like by the end of the night, we will have had another Kent State.
A few minutes ago - Lawrence O’Donnell mentioned how in the 1960s “police officers gleefully beat protestors” and in comparison he was impressed by the the “professionalism” of the NYPD and - paraphrase - “how everything was proceeding in an orderly fashion… from the camera’s perspective”. Of course - tv news cameras where shooting people outside the buildings and nobody knows anything about what happened inside.
There are literal reports of unconscious students
Lawrence must have “forgotten” about that.
the pigs actively herded all journalists and legal observers away from the area before they breached. which is wild to do when 1) the kids inside are going to film the most harrowing shit regardless and 2) none of the media outlets will air any of that footage anyway.
Jesus Christ lmao what level of fascism is that
Those dumb New Yorkers should maybe
for Dems harder then!
We must vote for Biden to stop the fascists already doing all the fascist things or the real fascist will get in the White House next!
This shit all sucks. It’s fascism all the way down.
In America the fascist state apparatus arrests you for being upset about a foreign country committing genocide
‘Israel’ is not a foreign country it’s a an imperial outpost near the gas station
I think my favorite narrative I’ve been hearing regarding these protests, and you heard this a lot in 2020 too, is that all these protestors willing to engage in property violence and physically clash with the police are actually outside agitators. And in this case they’re outside agitators occupying a privately owned building, which the media is happy to compare to a private single family home. That’s right, protestors occupying a private university building is exactly the same as them occupying your home, you braindead TV consumer you.
Sometimes the ‘outside agitator’ narrative has merit. I imagine we’ve all seen videos of obvious police plants trying to rile up people in order to get them arrested. Maybe some of you have witnessed such things in person. I vaguely remember reading that the guy who started the fire that burned down that Minneapolis Police station was actually a chud trying to make things worse. That sort of thing, I guess, really does happen. But it’s also such a convenient narrative. “Oh, it wasn’t concerned student activists and professors and ordinary people trying to stand against a genocide. It was wild-eyed barbarians, outsiders from outside, and thus all the police violence wielded against these people protesting a genocide was wholly justified.”
That talking point was really funny in 2020. Mass protests happening in every major american city, where are the “outside” agitators coming from? Was it just a bunch of rural people coming to the cities to start shit?
25 arrested at my uni today. Death to America.
He said that at the beginning of this show. He spent ~6m on the protests and segued right into the warm, soft embrace Trump coverage.
Lawrence O’Donnell: “It’s the most organized and most calmest and most professional police intervention we’ve ever seen on a college campus.”
Mans said “least fash police action” without a hint of irony or self awareness