Financial privacy has practically vanished over the last 50 years. Most people are in denial about it, and still believe that their relationship with their bank or their credit union is confidential -...
you probably invested in it and lost a bunch of money. people who blindly and universally hate crypto as a whole usually got fucked over in a scam or in the markets
You are dismissing an entire category with that one word. Are you sure you’re not throwing out any babies with that bathwater?
Crypto is problematic for many reasons.
you probably invested in it and lost a bunch of money. people who blindly and universally hate crypto as a whole usually got fucked over in a scam or in the markets
I’m smart enough to not “invest” in something that has no real world value and that isn’t protected under law.
Crypto tends to be pump and run and I don’t trust it worth a hoot
have fun playing by the rules of the system that hates you and your privacy
also monero is fairly stable price wise