If only there were these things that grew out of the ground that cooled you home with their shade… What were they called again?
If only people who lived in houses understood that not everyone lives in a house.
It is still highly beneficial in term of heat when there is a lot of shade in a city.
The tarmac gets really hot and release that heat for a long time.
Smart enough to understand heat pumps dumb enough to think it’s has that large of an effect.
In cities it actually does have an effect, especially in crowded ones. Millions of people in a relatively small area blasting AC “exhaust” out of their windows heat up the crammed air and in turn the buildings, streets, etc. which increases the heat island effect of cities.
Granted, it’s not a huge effect, but it’s measurable. First source I could find: https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/08/30/fact-check-is-air-conditioning-making-cities-hotter
Huh guess so. But still 2.4 degrees ain’t a whole lot (well except on a global scale lol). Thankfully in this situation doesnt really cause additional global warming problems.
Cities are already about 5C hotter than the surrounding countryside. Adding this increase on top, means 7.5C.
4OC in the countryside is already bad, 47,5C in the city is deadly for a lot of people.
I think you underestimate, how deadly heat can be: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wet-bulb_temperature