My GF would kill me if I wore it, however much I love the shirt. She was army reserves for 8 years. She is so happy to be out though now. She was deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan. She’s officially VFW with all the VA benefits. But yea, totally one weekend a month, lol.
Gotta give the (probably imaginary) recruiter credit for a classy response though.
I’d imagine they swap creative blow-offs for laughs, like any job.
Man, I haven’t been blown off in a while…
Military would be a great place to start looking.
Can confirm they’re real as well as the reaction
I need this shirt
My GF would kill me if I wore it, however much I love the shirt. She was army reserves for 8 years. She is so happy to be out though now. She was deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan. She’s officially VFW with all the VA benefits. But yea, totally one weekend a month, lol.