At least he was chill about it and was like " yeah - I get it. "
A good salesman knows what he is selling.
Isn’t this why we should embrace EVs and other cars that can use renewable energy so we don’t have to worry about the middle east and other petrostates?
Evs make us reliant on lithium which just shifts the problem to another country. Additionally - the infrastructure is not there for evs.
I think the best alternative right now would be biodiesel hybrids and straight biodiesel vehicles and FUCKING SMALLER VEHICLES
That rep trolled you… Don’t be naive. Homey probably clapped his bros and told his friends about “this pussy that sent a meme”. And then called you a f@ggot.
This world isn’t good, this world isn’t for well-being. Most aren’t treating you genuinely or honestly.
It’s every man for themself. Unless you represent hell on earth. Then the world is your oyster and the American dream is God.
Can’t tell if this is a shitpost or serious and I swear I’m trying
I’m going all-in on shitpost.
Military personnel are still just people doing the job…just like the rest of us.
Having been in the military, I find it hilarious and accept that it is not a place everyone should be. The recruiter likely has a very similar realistic understanding of where the military stands with people right now.
My roommate did a recruiter tour (mistake). He’d absolutely chuckle at that meme. Little did he know I was at the local colleges distributing anti-enlistment memes to the young folks.
Gotta give the (probably imaginary) recruiter credit for a classy response though.
I’d imagine they swap creative blow-offs for laughs, like any job.
Man, I haven’t been blown off in a while…
Military would be a great place to start looking.
Can confirm they’re real as well as the reaction
I need this shirt
My GF would kill me if I wore it, however much I love the shirt. She was army reserves for 8 years. She is so happy to be out though now. She was deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan. She’s officially VFW with all the VA benefits. But yea, totally one weekend a month, lol.
Last time a recruiter harassed me via text he tried to convince me of all the kickass benefits and fun of being in the military. Straight up just told him “Dude, if you put a gun in my hand, you’re going to be responsible for a suicide. Not happening.” For some reason he never replied.
Why I refuse to have guns even though I’m really interested in learning to shoot. I would love to go to a range and get better at target practice but I just don’t want to go down that path. Maybe I should consider archery
Jesus, there is a non-zero number people, in this thread, that don’t get guns because they are afraid they might suicide? I hope you get the help you need, keeping a gun out of your house is a good thing but it is just the tip of an iceberg.
I think it’s more of a don’t trust themselves with that power sort of thing, I’ll bet most of them have a hard time making the big calls and hard shots of life and work.
There’s a well-known and strong correlation between gun ownership and suicide rates:
Men who own handguns are eight times more likely to die of gun suicides than men who don’t own handguns, and women who own handguns are 35 times more likely than women who don’t.
I’m not sure if it’s fair to say that people are “acting like this is normal” - it is a real danger, and it’s good that these folks are aware of it and are acting accordingly. Even if you get help, you won’t just magically get better and will never suffer from suicidal thoughts again. Making sure you don’t put yourself in unnecessary danger seems like a healthy strategy to me.
I hope those people seek further help (just google sucide prevention). Not having a gun is not sufficient suicide prevention.
The last time a recruiter texted me, I replied with that meme. I haven’t heard from a recruiter since, so it appears to have worked.