Because FreeBSD uses MIT license whereas GNU/Linux uses GPLv2. The difference between them is that with GPLv2 you have to share source code if you modify anything but in MIT license you can change anything you want and charge ppl and not share source code. That’s why a lot of corps like to use FreeBSD. I know that Netflix contributes to FreeBSD but I’m also sure they hide a lot of things.
I would like to know why they prefer FreeBSD to Linux.
Because FreeBSD uses MIT license whereas GNU/Linux uses GPLv2. The difference between them is that with GPLv2 you have to share source code if you modify anything but in MIT license you can change anything you want and charge ppl and not share source code. That’s why a lot of corps like to use FreeBSD. I know that Netflix contributes to FreeBSD but I’m also sure they hide a lot of things.
FreeBSD uses the BSD license: