Lots of great changes have been added by our growing team of contributors as highlighted below. If you want to join the team come and say hello at the team discussion on Matrix
Please note that some lemmy servers are still under pressure, so you may see unexpected error messages.
Updates should appear on TestFlight and Play Store today.
v0.10.6 Release
- TestFlight (will be visible later today)
- GitHub
- Play Store
- If you want to stay up to date with the latest releases before it gets on Play Store or F-Droid, checkout Obtainium
Hello everyone! We heard you about the the full height preview issues. Just some context we were trying to fix some scroll jittery issues on the card view feed and one approach was limiting the preview height however turns out that’s a desired feature so we’re going to re approach the problem so we can keep full height images in the preview.
Change log
- Bring back full height preview in card view
- Fixed iOS photo orientation for uploads
- Added horizontal scroll to post title in navbar like RIF had
- Accessibility enhancement for upvote/downvote
- Small bug fixes
What’s coming
- Comment Style customizations
- Push notifications - we’re gonna balance this and take our time on our approach as we want to maintain privacy focused permissions.
- Ultra compact view. Really we will be adding a 3rd view type so we will have card, list, and compact. The current compact view will become list
Awesome app, I’m loving it!
2 things I’ve noticed:
Thank you so much for this app! I think it’s the best right now out there 🫶
First point is on our radar.
Re notifications @zachatrocity@lemmy.world is working 24 hours a day on notifications right now so he may have a solution in the works.
You guys are so awesome! Thank you very much! And please tell us how we can support you! Patron, PayPal, Bitcoin?
That’s very kind of you but it’s not needed unless/until we start to incur some serious costs.