Not content with making racist rulings two days in a row, SCOTUS took the opportunity before its summer recess to attack the LGBTQIA2S+ community. The court ruled in favor of a bigoted evangelical, granting her the legal right to refuse to design a wedding website for same-sex couples.
The case was based on a fictitious scenario. Colorado web designer Lorie Smith claimed “Stewart” (no last name given) contacted her in 2016 about constructing a website for his upcoming marriage to “Mike.” However, when a reporter for The New Republic contacted Stewart, using the contact information provided to the court, Stewart knew nothing of the case. He does not identify as gay and, as a professional web designer, would have no reason to hire Smith.
Nevertheless the Supreme Court ruled that Colorado’s anti-discrimination law could not prevent Smith from exercising her so-called “free speech right” to practice discrimination if the opportunity did present itself. This ruling has potentially ominous consequences, as it implies that the First Amendment could now be used to legitimize any form of discrimination.
With all of the shitty customers that service workers have to put up with, it’s almost shocking to see somebody draw the line at same‐sex couples.
I’m a liberal and all but damn that’s a terrible article. Also why are we using gender as a slur now? I have never seen someone say cishet and similar as just a way to speak about a group and always as a way to talk down on straight people. I’m straight and I’m not sorry. I’m an ally to lgbtq so why try to pull me down when all I have done is try to raise others up? So tired of this us vs them mentality. Not every straight white guy is a bigot.
Because cithet are the vast majority of the population and are therefore significantly more likely to be ghoulish?
Also who said we’re using that like a slur? That’s a group identifier? Are they not heterosexual and are they not cisgender?
You don’t cover up your obvious conservative talking points very well. No one has claimed those things are slurs except the morons on the right.
Yeah, we know you’re a liberal you dipshit
when straight white guys stop being the weakest link, then you might have a point there; but til then, we operate off historical precedent
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Many cishet white men are bigots against those people that are not like them. There is no need to be proud of being that, nor shame for what you can’t control. However many do take pride in being cis white hetero men and push against everyone else institutionally.
Understand where you are in history but don’t take what you have no control of personally. It seems that you tie your sense of self to what you don’t control over rather than what you do have control over.
Correcting injustice will make those in positions of comfort uncomfortable. That is the nature of justice.