To quote ancient words of wisdom: “Everybody’s sayin’ that the Scatman stutters but doesn’t ever stutter when he sings. But what you don’t know, I’m gonna tell you right now that the stutter and the scat is the same thing, yo, I’m the Scatman.”
Bee bo bo bee bo bo
The speech and singing regions of the brain are separate from each other, which is why this works. It also can work for people who lose the ability to speak from brain damage.
It’s wild how adaptable the brain is. Some dude was out there just living life when he had a head mri after a car crash (iirc) and found that he only had a brain stem.
I have a friend who also stutters, or, I found out he stutters after knowing him for a few months.
Apparently he uses a similar technique where he “sings” what he wants to say in a slightly higher-pitched voice when talking in a professional setting. He sounds totally normal when using it, but you’re not in doubt when he doesn’t.
I’m sure it took a lot of training to master it.
I want to believe
I’m chopping onions, that’s why there are tears in my eyes.
“psycho killer qu’est-ce que c’est” 🎶
James Earl Jones also is speak-singing because he stuttered as a kid. That’s why his voice is so resonant.