So I prep the food for my roommate every day. This happens usually around the same time every day. My roommate has gotten into the habit of coming into my room and waking me up vocally every morning, usually hours before my alarm goes off and demands food. So during the day when my roommate is napping, I’ve been getting up in their face and making the same obnoxious noises they do to wake me up in the morning. AITA?
It’s all about perspective.
INFO: Do you lord over them like you own them? When they bring you food, do you act disgusted and just throw out away? Do you get upset if they don’t wear the jewelry you buy them? Are there communication issues like do you have trouble understanding each other?
Based on your other comments, I’m going to have to assume the answers to all of these questions are “yes” so I’m going to go with NTA, they’re a pussy.
So our roles are opposite. My roommate lords over our home. They are lazy and don’t contribute to our food situation though killing pests would be nice. Sometimes they wear the jewelry we buy for them but they occasionally leave it laying around. It’s very irresponsible. There is a language barrier.
Jewelry? Am I missing something here? Do people really buy jewelry for their…roommate?
Yeah, do people buy jewelry for their cat?
Twinkle Tush
I… Just learned something…