Solidarity without internationalism is no solidarity at all
“We investigated and found that they do crazy things like subsidize their worker’s housing and associated production, the fiends!”
Lol how can you know what they are doing is ‘unfair’ if you haven’t even investigated it yet?
No investigation, no right to speak
Who needs rightwing hawks when you have the unions to push for more senseless trade wars instead of questioning why US industry is crap
AFL-CIO boardposting at its highest
Mandatory Red Sails essay about the NED-funded labour union of Amerikkka…
After all, you cannot make a man understand when his salary depends on the ignorance of it…
Capitalism just doesn’t work.
“It’s simply not fair! American workers demand too much money for us to be competitive”
“Right, because they’re all so lazy and entitled!”
Capitalist Housing:
Capitalist Transportation:
Capitalist Education:
Capitalist Healthcare:
AFL-CIO more like AFL-CIA
Although, I’m curious. What evidence do they point to to say that the PRC has “illegal trade practices”?
If you petition the government to make trade with the PRC illegal, then the PRC has illegal trade practices.