Why do they describe the AK-74 as “Soviet-era” when it’s the main service rifle of both Russia and Ukraine and still being produced? That’s like calling the M16 “Vietnam War-era”.
Because every sentence in Western media is meticulously crafted to push a narrative. In this case I imagine they are trying to push the idea that Russian tech is inferior
Also the “Soviet-era” ended in the 90s, but the implication is always that it’s WW2 technology. The M16 should be called “Nixon-era” or some other nonsense
The M16 is from the leaded gasoline era
Didn’t Russia officially replace it with the AK-12 & AK-15? Or at least phasing it out in favour of.
Yep but aren’t those also chambered for the same rounds more or less? Either way kalashnikov stays winning
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I mean why would you invest in primer/ammo production capacity when you just said demand only spikes temporarily and for no good reason?
The US ammunition production is state owned, by run by private companies lol. And the private companies bid on who produces it, so the quality varies. Like Winchester makes okay NATO spec ammo, but I would never trust a self defense gun with its white box.
Meanwhile the ammo companies just increase prices every time there’s a panic and never invest in creating more primer
I remember reading that China produces most of the lead and primer that the US uses for ammo. Not sure if this is (still) true or just fudd lore.
There’s barely even enough capacity for the panic buying of ammunition and components that happens every 4 years when people think the next election will decide between if they can buy guns or not
I believe that they prioritize military contracts first. Then civilians get whatever is left over or whatever they have enough time for. It’s why they don’t give a shit about “the second amendment” in actuality because government contracts can keep them afloat if guns are ever banned, which they won’t be.
The problem with capitalism is that you eventually run out of ammunition to send to nazis
Are they seriously so desperate that we are sending small arms? I assumed all these packages were for weapons you couldn’t just buy for a few hundred a pop.
simple solution for ukraine war. give everyone on both sides nothing but a mosin and a shovel.
I don’t think anything considered a sniper rifle is chambered in .556.
Are the rest of his unit necessarily snipers? AK-74s aren’t sniper rifles either