I’m having the hardest tine setting up a shared folder between a Linux host and Win11guest. I want to get rid of dual boot, but there are a few programs that I use which are Win only. I have set up a VB VM, but I want a fine tuned KVM VM. On VB sharing is trivial, but I can’t get it to work in KVM. I have the host sharing the folder with Samba, and can see it from another Linux VM, but not from windows. Any clues?
Sounds like a network issue, not a KVM issue. Have you done any troubleshooting from that angle, and if so, what have you found?
VB uses guest addons - driver to enable file sharing. Not sure something like that exists in qemu…
Where are you expecting to see the host in windows? In the Network window? If so you’ll want to install, enable and run wsdd2
Interesting, thanks. Has just landed in Debian btw https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/wsdd2
I think Linux does not care about WORKGROUP (etc.) and hostname from a Samba server point of view but Windows perhaps does. Check the Samba log files to see whether Samba complains. Samba usually creates lots of log files, just find the ones you need to read.