Scroll down inside that link for a slightly more extreme version (NSFW). Scroll down inside that link for a slightly more extreme version (NSFW).
To be honest, we are fucking up the planet at an exponentially faster rate, so it is natural that mitigation solutions seems exponentially crazier.
There are people that believe that doing these crazy things will actually reverse the damage.
Then there are people like me who not only believe we are fucked but also believe that anything we do now is completely pointless as we are fucked either way so why bother.
Stop. Please stop. Doomerism compounds the problem, it is not a neutral stance.
Has irreparable damage already been done? Yes.
Will it be worse if we don’t do anything as soon as possible? Yes. And each moment that we don’t do the thing, it gets a little bit worse.
But each moment we do do the thing, it gets a little bit better.
The Earth will relatively be 1.5°, likely 2°C hotter, regardless of what actions are now taken. But 2°C hotter is far, far preferable to 4°C.
Everything we do as individuals and societies matters. I understand it feels daunting, and I’m not really advocating for you to drive less or eat less meat, because ultimately these changes won’t be driven by individuals making the choices.
However, please please please support and push, protest, fight for societal changes for us collectively to drive less, eat less meat, and corporate carbon taxation.
You may be preaching to the choir. This year in Europe more than 50 percent of the newly bought cars were SUVs. To me that feels that most people do not care, they just want to enjoy themselves as much as possible before total collapse. Protest ? Three states in the USA recently banned protesting. In Europe with far right winning about everywhere will likely go the same direction. It is obvious in the news headlines. Fascism is on the rise and the masses do not seem to care about a burning planet and killing of everything but themselves.