Crazy how every young Democrat runs as being a labour movement progressive then immediately does a heel turn and reveals that they were actually just an “across the aisle” centrist the whole time.
Does the fucker carry Israeli flags wherever he goes?
In other news - Comrade Stroke where are you?
I never thought I would ever think “man I hope this person has another, worse stroke” but here we are
Joining the war on strokes, on the side of strokes
he is gonna flip teams sometime during the 2024-28 cycle
Sinema is out, the Democrats need a new tag team member of the obstruction crew to prevent them from accomplishing things even when they’re in control
I remember when Democrats had 60 seats and Lieberman was the boogeyman.
There is always an excuse.
That’s dope if true
Stroke please come back and finish the job
Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., has been growing
the growing will continue until conditions regress
He’s pulling a Tulsi.
Yawn:….what is new? We new this months ago with aipac,
Edit: what’s up with aipac,
Oh my god! FOURTEEN donors? That’s one more than a baker’s dozen! Alert the media!!!
14 donors giving at least 88 dollars
Sen. John Redditman
I bet he Liebermans.
Something-something something-something something-something something funny.
I hope that’s not fed posting.
Honestly that’s the only way he’ll keep his seat. If he runs as a Dem again he’s not getting anywhere
There will never be a Zionism Ogre