Is there a reason she’s dressed as an amazon? Beyond the thirst-trap?
The original article that went with the picture spoke of “a new race of amazons” and calls the woman on the right, “Diana”, which may be a reference to Wonder Woman (AKA Diana, Princess of the Amazons).
Or the Latin name for Artemis.
But where are they? I need to know… so I can avoid them…
Nearest municipal fire department, assuming the city hires women for firefighters. San Francisco did in the late 1980s
ETA SFFD still does in the 2020s and yes, they’re still swoonworthy and would make Themiscyra proud.
This article is a perfect example of linear extrapolating.. They were like “huh, when you feed people a balanced diet with proper nutrition, they get 3 or 4 inches taller. This trend will obviously continue until people are 10 feet tall in a few generations.”
Well now I’m wondering if they designed Xena’s outfit based on this illustration…
Wonder Woman was created in 1941. I assume this comic was created in the 1950’s based on the dates.
Only connection I can think of.
Greek mythology is actually older than Marvel comics.
I’m sorry. Of course we all know human civilization started in 1776 and there was absolutely nothing before that.
There was Keith Richards, but that goes without saying.
A - it’s DC comics for wonder woman
B - often pop culture borrows similar themes, so when an Amazon character becomes popular, other people tend to piggy backYou crazy? It just got invented in fortnite last season
A better question - is there a reason women today do not dress as amazons?
Fashion is cyclical
Those were lies :( where giant women?
Go to your local transfem meetup
Up north Tormund
How can I get to that magical land? :(
It’s called Latvia
Oh, I, the name was different 😅 one day I’ll go there somehow
My wife is 6’3, I’ve found my Amazon.
hello !!!
Oh hai~
This feels magical :3
Damn, if only
They weren’t as far off as one might think. If everyone had a standard of living growing up that scaled with trends at the time, women would probably be taller than they actually are.
When I was 5’ 11" and starting college as an honors student, I was shocked that most women in the program were around my height or taller, while the men were all taller than me. I think it was mostly because the other honors students came from well off families that pushed them to have high GPAs, made them eat healthy as they grew, and gave them every other possible advantage. Honestly, they didn’t seem much smarter than many other students I later met. They mostly had privileged upbringings.
My mom is apparently the prophesied one, she is 6’2”.
Interesting how it says “authorities” not “experts”
Well it’s likely short for “authorities on the subject”, i.e. experts.
Probably, I just found the change of wording curious
It’s the evolution of the language. One would appeal to an “authority” for an educated opinion. For example the standard fallacy name “faulty appeal to authority,” where information is posed as authoritative but is, in actuality, from a layperson.
“authority” = “person who over-extrapolated from limited data to slap together something that will fill a bit of a newspaper page”
Reeeesssspect ma authorotyyyy
6’ ~ 1.82m
A bit tall for average height
Not tall enough
1900 woman’s waistline is an optical illusion
Removed by mod
Definitely not 6 foot. But yes I do exceed size 11… by quite a large margin 😅
It’s OK to be a Hobbit.
We really let them down on fashion.
I blame the Amazons and their secretive ways
Death by Snu Snu
So the 1950’s lass is wearing high heels. Without them she’s probably a similar height to the first lass.
Women’s shoes in 1900 routinely had high heels as well. Here’s a sample:
The difference may be about an inch from the 1950s shoe shown.
So, they are both smaller and there’s a giant leap up to amazonian.
…am I a 2000s gal?
They were on to something though.
Yes, that sure is something. Damn.