let’s please just call them “communities”
An NSFW toggle would be good too - I like porn as much as the next guy but don’t necessarily want to see it when browsing All
Edit: Memmy now has an iOS app so I’m using that. It has a NSFW toggle.
A way to block entire instances would be nice. Then we could just block the porn specific instances and be done with it.
Most of the apps seem to have a toggle for NSFW in the feed or not.
Yeah what is desperately needed now for scaling is a way for subs to “tag” themselves with topics, that way you can widely filter off specific tags.
“Location” for example for town/city/province/state based communities, for example, would be handy. I can subscribe to the couple relevant to me by searching for it manually, but Id like to widespread block all the rest cuz I really dont need to know about the local news of a town on the other side of the world.
Same for Sports, really. I dont need the news for each individual sports team for each individual sport.
I was able to get rid of the beans and some other memes by visiting those communities on the web and clicking “Block Community”
Yeah, had to block floatingisfun as it was being spammed with posts and flooding the All page.
I don’t know where you guya are seeing all these bean posts. I’ve been on and off Lemmy all day and have only encountered one such bean. And also three posts complaining about said beans.
I haven’t bean seeing anything like that
What’s the matter? Scared of BEEEEEEEEANS, Space Boy?